The Eat Stop Eat diet for easy weight loss

The Eat Stop Eat diet for easy weight loss

Many people write to me asking for simple and easy solutions to lose weight. Let me clarify one thing for everyone: wanting to lose weight is never a simple thing, because in any case the goal is to create a cut in energy expenditure.

So inevitably some sacrifices have to be made. I wish I could tell you: eat pizza and cakes all day and your weight will drop, but we know that this is not the case.

However, here is a very practical solution for those who want to lose weight easily, without dieting with yes or no foods, in which all that is asked is 2 days of sacrifice out of seven.

I’m talking about the Eat Stop Eat diet , a form of simple intermittent fasting devised by American nutritionist Brad Pilon, researcher and fitness enthusiast. Translating the name of the diet is Eat Stop Eat (or Eat Stop Eat, as you prefer).

After having included it among the possible forms of intermittent fasting in this article , which I recommend you read if you want to try intermittent fasting, let’s see in detail the Eat Stop Eat diet .
I assure you that as a diet it is very easy.

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