The draining diet to lose 3 kg in 7 days: the menu

The draining diet to lose 3 kg in 7 days: the menu

This draining diet to lose 3 kg in 7 days is a fast regimen that aims to reduce water retention and allows the body to get rid of water under the skin. This is a regimen that is indicated as a shock treatment in the summer and right after the holidays, when you feel bloated and are looking for a quick fix.

At the base of the draining diet the choice of some natural foods that work in synergy against water retention. It can be continued for a maximum of another week. Then I recommend two weeks of a natural diet that act as a transition phase and allow you to stabilize your body weight. The benefits of the draining diet are numerous: at the end of this process, digestion is better, the craving for sweets is reduced, the swelling of the stomach and legs and the appearance of the skin are resolved.

The draining diet can be repeated every 3-4 months.
It can be done in a vegetarian version by replacing meat or fish with 100 grams of boiled legumes in all options except for lunch on day 3, where two eggs are eaten instead of salmon.


Day 1.
Breakfast with 2 scrambled eggs, a cucumber smoothie and a raw fennel wedge in a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice, a 25 gram slice of toast, a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Lunch with cucumber salad with 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt and mint, a teaspoon of oil, salt and pepper. A herbal tea with fennel seeds.
Dinner with 130 grams of roasted chicken breast with aromatic herbs, sautéed spinach with a level teaspoon of butter, 50 grams of basmati rice.
Snacks based on datterini tomatoes, cucumbers, raw celery.

Day 2.
Breakfast with a smoothie with a cucumber, a 150 gram apple, a clove of fennel, a few drops of lemon juice, a glass of water. A cup of unsweetened green tea.
Lunch with salad with cucumbers, 50 grams of crumbled feta, 1 tomato, a teaspoon of oil and oregano. Half an orange or 100 grams of cherries.
Dinner with 70 grams of bresaola, 150 grams of sautéed zucchini with parsley and a level teaspoon of oil.
Snacks with cucumbers and 10 almonds in all.

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