The diuretic soup with fennel

The diuretic soup with fennel

This diuretic soup is one of my battle recipes.

Not only is it a balanced, tasty and dietary dish despite an addition that everyone considers a culinary heresy, but it is highly draining and tastes great.

I prepare it every time I have eaten too salty the day before, I drink but I feel bloated.

Things that happen. A pizza out, a plate of cold cuts and cheeses for dinner accompanied by a glass of wine, a too salty snack that then makes us thirsty without allowing us to do plin plin.

The next day you prepare this diuretic soup to be enjoyed hot or lukewarm and voila: you get rid of all the excess water. In fact, the secret of my diuretic soup is potassium , of which the soup is really rich, and the choice of two key vegetables for those who want to drain. Potassium helps eliminate excess sodium.

But I don’t anticipate anything. Try the recipe and then you will tell me.


Dose per due persone
Un finocchio grande, ripulito delle parti esterne e della barbetta, lavato bene e tagliato a spicchi 
Una patata da 200 grammi circa (media)
Due cucchiai (40 ml) di panna da cucina o stesso quantitativo di latte di cocco da cucina 
una cipolla ramata, grande 
noce moscata
un pizzico di sale integrale e uno di pepe
un pizzico di curcuma
un bicchiere e mezzo di latte scremato, anche delattosato (o in versione vegana, se optate per il latte di cocco, usate latte di soia senza zucchero. Quello scremato è più indicato) 
Procedimento per preparare la zuppa drenante. In un pentolino stufate i finocchi e la cipolla con due cucchiai di acqua e un pizzico di sale, a fuoco lento e con un coperchio.
On the other hand, boil the peeled potato until it is really soft, undone.

Once these ingredients are cooked, transfer the vegetables to a mixer with the milk. Or mash the potato in the fennel saucepan, add the milk and use the hand blender.

Return everything to the saucepan, add turmeric, pepper and nutmeg and let it boil for a moment. Lower the heat to a minimum, add the two tablespoons of cream or coconut milk, stir, heat the soup for another minute, and then turn off. Wait about 5 minutes and then serve.

You can follow this first course with a scant hectogram of grilled chicken breast with lots of aromatic herbs or lean turkey sliced ​​always 100 grams.

Kcal per serving for the draining soup:   235 per person.
With the second described and a small valerian salad dressed with a little lemon juice, about 100 calories are added for a total of less than 350 calories per meal . Light but you have first and second courses, and the creamy soup will not make you miss the pasta dish.
If you are swollen and you want to be sure to deflate after lunch (or dinner, but I recommend you do it for lunch: otherwise at night you may feel the need to get up to pee, ‘this soup is unforgiving!) make yourself a decoction of fennel seeds and pass the fear.

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