The equilibrium index: the book on the moderate diet

The equilibrium index: the book on the moderate diet

After the glycemic index, the insulin index (and related loads), the satiety index, why not talk about the “balance index” of the diet?

Perhaps this must be what Iader Fabbri thought , nutritional consultant for the Italian National Cycling and Sports Team as well as dietician, who wrote a book, entitled, precisely, ” The balance index “.

The balance index is the sum of our nutritional needs , subjective and dependent on both our health and our genetics, with our food choices and the foods we prefer.
Fabbri explains in his book that a diet suitable for everyone does not exist.

Much more important, however, is being able to create one’s own food knowledge , combining foods in the right way, learning the how and when of nutrition.
And also understanding what are the false myths and useless worries (these Locksmiths call them “mental saws that make us fat”) that we must give up in order not to be slaves to trendy diets.

The balance index diet focuses on quality and moderation, not measuring the food on the slingbar and without paying too much attention to portions but thinking about a method. In this way, a food consciousness is formed that lasts a lifetime. 

In fact, the book contains a series of practical tips that can lead us to a healthy weight and better health without giving up (entirely) the foods we love, but placing them in a context of a varied diet, above all balanced between nutrients and “meaning”.

Between these:

  1. how to manage the feeding during the holidays.
  2. Because in addition to calories, we must consider the quality of food and its combination.
  3. Which vitamins and minerals to integrate.
  4. Because the scales are not our friend.
  5. Because losing weight does not mean wasting or fasting.

In this way it is possible to lose weight and maintain the right weight, keep blood sugar under control, maintain a good metabolism and “calibrate” the diet according to your level of physical activity, your needs and even a little to your tastes.


All explained with an accessible language and correct explanations but within everyone’s reach to be able to personalize the diet by finding, in fact, one’s own “Balance Index”.

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