20 exercises in 20 minutes of home training

20 exercises in 20 minutes of home training

Twenty exercises in 20 minutes of training at home to increase metabolism and thus burn fat naturally: a type of fast but really effective and totally bodyweight training that I took from the workouts of coach Sam Wood .

I tried it for you this morning, and I must say that if we do it three times a week , it takes a total of 60 minutes to keep fit and also lose weight.

A fourth day we can dedicate it to stretching and abdominal exercises at will, the other days we can limit ourselves to a half hour of walking or jogging on the spot (if for example we stay at home).

Since this workout burns a lot of calories and allows you to have a higher metabolism for the next 24 hours, I recommend that you eat something sugary within half an hour before starting. A small ripe banana or 200 ml of orange juice + a coffee are perfect.

After that, let’s grab a mat, put on our sneakers, and start our 20-minute workout.


Warm-up: 30-second jog in place. 30 second pause.
Each exercise must be followed for 40 seconds + 20 seconds of pause.

First exercise: squat front kick . Performed by doing a squat and then kicking each leg forward
Second exercise: side to side shuffles
Third exercise: jumping jacks
Fourth exercise: push- ups
Fifth exercise: burpees
Sixth exercise: squat jumps
Seventh exercise: elbow plank with forward movement and back
Eighth exercise: mountain climbers
Ninth exercise: alternate front lunges (first one leg then the other)
Tenth exercise: leg extension at 45 ° free body
Eleventh exercise: run with knees raised in place
Twelfth exercise: jumps back and forth
Thirteenth exercise: bunny hops
Fourteenth exercise: frog plank
Fifteenth exercise: frog exercise in place (without moving forward)
Sixteenth exercise exercise: normal plank
Seventeenth exercise: sumo squat
Eighteenth exercise: skipping rope (no rope)
Nineteenth exercise: abdominal twist
Twentieth exercise: superman. 

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