The 3-day light diet to lose a pound

The 3-day light diet to lose a pound

A light and effective diet of only 3 days, recommended if we want to keep ourselves light and if we have exaggerated with sweets and carbohydrates in general. Type: Saturday around pizza and Sunday from the mother-in-law with six courses for lunch. Or: after the holidays, and every time we know we have exaggerated at the table we do this light diet.

Belly and stomach will deflate as if by magic, and we will lose a generous pound without even realizing it.
Plus, it’s a really tasty albeit light diet. Here is the light diet menu to follow for three days. 


A glass of lukewarm water acidulated with lemon juice + a glass of low fixed residue mineral water.

Chia seed porridge: made the night before.
Put 20 g of chia seeds and 10 g of bitter cocoa in 200 ml of unsweetened almond vegetable drink (Provamel, Valdibella, Alpro light), stevia or drops of Tic. Place in a blender, whisk for 10 seconds, pour into a small cup and refrigerate overnight. The next day, add half a sliced ​​banana to your cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon and eat it for breakfast. As an alternative to chia seeds, you can use the same weight of oat germ or oat fiber.

chia pudding 2

Snack : juice of cucumbers and fresh ginger or raw cucumbers and fennel. Alternatively a raw carrot.

option 1 : baked zucchini with a mix of aromatic herbs (quantity: 250-300 gr), a level teaspoon of breadcrumbs and spices to taste + a teaspoon of oil. Cut the courgettes, season them and put them in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
100 g of smoked salmon or 150 g of grilled, defatted chicken breast or 100 g of bresaola. Half a banana.

option 2: one large egg omelette + two egg whites with the addition of boiled spinach (250 gr) or asparagus (same quantity), baked in the oven with a teaspoon of parmesan and one of oil. Half a banana.

Snack: see in the morning


option 1: 200-300 g of grilled aubergines or peppers seasoned with a teaspoon of raw oil, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper + 112 g of natural tuna or 125 g of natural tofu seared in a pan.

option 2: 300 grams of raw vegetables of your choice (carrots, mushrooms, fennel) with an emulsion of apple cider vinegar + a teaspoon of oil + 150 grams of cottage cheese.

A herbal tea with fennel seeds.

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