Light jam tart (with light shortcrust pastry)

Light jam tart (with light shortcrust pastry)

Today I am posting a recipe for you after various and unsuccessful attempts to create a light shortcrust pastry that was not very hard and that at least came close to the crispness of the classic shortcrust pastry (it is not so), but at least if it falls to the ground it does not a hole in the floor, ruining our credibility as irreproachable neighbors and the ceiling of the neighbor downstairs.

I’ve tried tons of recipes online, using different types of sweeteners, using egg white instead of egg or yolk, using avocado, bananas, protein powders and skimmed yogurt instead of butter. And I’ve experienced a number of failures.
Of course, a light and diet recipe will never come close to the original one: fat is fat, sugar is sugar. Some doughs mount or acquire friability thanks to ingredients that, alas, also weigh on the waistline, and it would be advisable not to eat every day.

I promise that I will not stop making other attempts, but already this light jam tart, made with light shortcrust pastry, is a more than acceptable result. The trick is to make a thin layer of pastry, because this shortcrust pastry is more resistant and malleable than the traditional one. Spreading it will be very easy, making the strips on top even more.


Ingredients for light shortcrust pastry.

270 gr of double zero flour (do not use wholemeal flour or fiberpasta)
two egg yolks from medium-sized eggs
170 gr of whole white Greek yogurt (not skimmed)
80 gr of sugar (for a lighter version yes to erythrol, xylitol , no to stevia, various sweeteners)
lemon peel
half a sachet of baking powder (also essential)
For the filling of the light jam tart:
2 packs of Hero Light Jam (560 grams in total)

How to proceed.
For the light shortcrust pastry, add the yeast, flour, lemon zest, a pinch of optional salt and sugar. Once you have made the mix of dry ingredients, add the yogurt and knead creating the typical sand of shortcrust pastry. Then add the egg yolks and knead until you get a smooth ball. Roll it out immediately in a pan with a diameter of 24-26 cm, taking care to make a thin sheet, say no more than half a cm, prick it lightly with a fork. Then pour in the Hero Light jam. Make the various strips with a rolling pin, and place them on the grid. Brush the strips with a little egg white and place the tart in the oven at 175 ° for about 30-35 minutes. It must be uniformly golden.
Take it out of the oven, let it cool completely, cover it with cling film and let it rest for at least 6-7 hours before serving, because the light shortcrust pastry dough will tend to soften slightly.

Here are the nutritional values ​​for an eighth slice of tart.
 211 (compared to 300-400 of a normal tart)
Fats: 3 gr, Carbohydrates 42.5, Proteins 14.50.
Ideal for all people who need to keep fat in their diet under control, perfect for breakfast.
The base of this light shortcrust pastry is also great for a ricotta tart: if you want a less fat result, use a light ricotta, or blend half ricotta and half cottage cheese with the egg whites left over from the shortcrust pastry, a little sugar ( here, yes, you can use stevia) and pieces of dark chocolate (20-30 gr) plus a lot of lemon zest.
It comes even better than the one with jam!

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