The 1300 calorie flexible weight loss Mediterranean diet

The 1300 calorie flexible weight loss Mediterranean diet

The flexible slimming Mediterranean diet, or modified slimming Mediterranean diet, is a diet that allows you to lose weight by allowing yourself to break the rules with respect to the traditional Mediterranean diet .

To be clear, the traditional Mediterranean diet does not include sweets, for example, except to a lesser extent than twice a week, and the same thing for the consumption of red meat, cold cuts and fatty cheeses.

The flexible slimming Mediterranean diet is set according to a Mediterranean diet plan from Monday to Friday which is rather rigorous and faithful to tradition, but with the possibility, on Saturday evening and Sunday, to vary and indulge in a little something.

Therefore the flexible weight loss Mediterranean diet is an approach halfway between the true Mediterranean diet and the 80/20 diet. Below we see how to set it to lose weight in this way, without depriving yourself of anything.


From Monday to Friday.
1300 calorie plan for women.

For men: get to 80 grams of carbohydrates at lunch and double the protein sources (meat, fish, shellfish, low-fat dairy) of dinner. For dinner, add 25 grams of whole grain bread to one of the carbohydrate options.  Breakfast.

  • A slice of toasted wholemeal bread (30 g) with a teaspoon of olive oil and tomato, or in a sweet version with a veil of fruit jam without added sugar and a level teaspoon of butter.
  • A glass of skim or soy milk or a 125-gram jar of low-fat white yogurt or 100 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt or 50 grams of lean cow’s milk ricotta.
  • A coffee or tea without sugar.


  • 120 grams of sour fruit or sweet seeds. That is: kiwi, orange, grapefruit, red fruits, strawberries, mandarins, medlar, apricots, peach, yellow or white melon, apple or pear.
    Alternatively, a sugar-free cappuccino from semi-skimmed milk or soy.


  • 50 grams of wholemeal pasta, grains or brown rice with a teaspoon of oil + a ladle of optional simple sauce or seasoned with part of the vegetables provided.
    As an alternative to pasta: 100 grams of gnocchi or 50 grams of polenta.
    As an alternative to oil: a teaspoon of pesto.
  • A portion of 200 grams of vegetables or 100 grams of leafy vegetables of your choice seasoned with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • Or 50 grams of salmon.
  • A digestive herbal tea or a sugar-free coffee.

Snack .

120 grams of sour fruit or sweet seeds. That is: kiwi, orange, grapefruit, red fruits, strawberries, mandarins, medlar, apricots, peach, yellow or white melon, apple or pear.


  • 100 grams of chicken or turkey breast or 100 grams of calf or the same dose of white fish such as cod, sea bass, plaice, halibut, sea bream. Alternatively: 50 grams of feta or primosale or one of the lunch protein options.
  • A free portion of vegetables topped with a teaspoon of oil.
  • 40 grams of wholemeal bread or 110 grams of banana or figs or sweet persimmon or grapes or 120 grams of potatoes.
    The teaspoon of oil can be omitted if we use 2 level tablespoons of parmesan for the preparations.
  • Once a week: two small eggs instead of meat or fish or dairy products.
    Extra during the day: 10 grams in total of dark chocolate or 8 grams of walnuts / almonds / pistachios or half a glass of red wine (80 ml). On page two we see instead how to behave on the weekend.

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