Tallonitis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

Tallonitis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

How to recognize the symptoms of heelitis, discover its causes and treat it with natural remedies

Tallonitis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

The heel is the part of the foot that bears most of the body’s weight.

The structure of the foot then allows you to distribute the load on each metatarsal and on the toes, but the heel includes the set of bones that are most affected.

Heelitis is an inflammatory manifestation affecting this area , with pain and problems that involve the entire postural structure: back, legs and pelvis, both from a bone and a muscular point of view.

Tallonitis: the causes

The causes of heelitis can be many, and start from problems related to metabolic diseases , up to the most common causes attributable to mechanical stress on the foot and lower limbs:

  • overweight ;
  • postural alterations ;
  • non-ergonomic or unsuitable footwear and insoles ;
  • trauma ;
  • mechanical stresses on the foot (as in some sports such as running, or sports in which repeated jumps are frequent);
  • gout ;
  • rheumatism .

There are also causes in which heelitis is a consequence of pathologies affecting other structures that are part of the foot:

  • bursitis : inflammation of the serous bags of the foot which allow for an easy sliding of the tendons;
  • tendonitis in the ankle and foot;
  • fasciitis : inflammation of the muscle band on the sole of the foot.

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Tallonitis: the remedies

Regardless of the cause, the main remedy against heelitis is rest : the inflammation can in fact be resolved successfully only if the behaviors that led to its onset are not repeated.

The signal that the body sends is already eloquent: often heelitis arrives unannounced and suddenly and clearly communicates the need to stop.

For the acute stage it is possible to perform

  • foot baths with clay , able to disinfect the area, with the addition of essential oils;
  • massages with arnica oil to help relieve pain.
  • supplement the diet with natural anti-inflammatories such as plant omega 3 and black currant extracts .

Depending on the causes, it is then necessary to intervene differently, once the acute phase has returned.

In the case of gout and metabolic diseases, a complete improvement in lifestyle and eating habits is necessary ; when instead it is due to incorrect postures and unsuitable footwear, it is instead necessary to investigate how the weight weighs on the foot by observing the state of wear of the shoes and buying more suitable ones, excluding as much as possible heels or excessively flat shoes. This is also useful in cases due to stress deriving from sports such as basketball, volleyball, running, tennis and football: the shoe can do a lot to avoid the onset of fasciitis, bursitis and tendonitis.

For those who have their own particularly delicate point in the foot, without trauma or particular pro-inflammatory conditions, it can help it in its important support function by improving the trunk and back muscles , as well as that of the legs , thus allowing adequate weight distribution. and a suitable postural balance .


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