Spleen and Mononucleosis

Spleen and Mononucleosis

The Spleen is often put to the test by the most disparate infectious diseases: mononucleosis in particular can be a bad experience for the Spleen. It is important to always investigate the cause and put in place the right pharmacological and natural treatments in synergy.

Spleen and Mononucleosis

In case of some infectious diseases the spleen actively responds by enlarging .

In fact, we speak of splenomegaly : a particular case is given by mononucleosis, but also by other bacterial infections such as syphilis, malaria, or by very serious pathologies such as neoplasms such as leukemias and lymphomas.

Our Spleen is an alarm bell that responds to alterations in our immune system and white blood cells are the signals that something is not working properly.

The enlarged spleen may be asymptomatic , or manifest pain and swelling in the left side of the abdomen, fatigue, and even a tendency to bleed.

Finding yourself with an enlarged spleen is also dangerous in itself as well as for the triggering cause: splenomegaly can lead to rupture of the spleen , if you contract infectious diseases or suffer trauma.

Read also How to give well-being to the spleen >>


Mononucleosis, otherwise known as the kissing disease, has a very common incidence, because transmissibility is quite easy. It can be transmitted through saliva or the use of contaminated objects , such as towels, glasses themselves, cutlery.

Mononucleosis is due to Human Herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4) , a virus to be kept under control because it can be the “father” of very serious diseases.

Mononucleosis is often asymptomatic , or show symptoms similar to other disorders.

It is good to pay attention in any case to all the manifestations that our body sends us and contact the doctor to carry out simple but fundamental blood tests:> Sore throat, tonsillitis, adenoids or enlarged lymph glands.
> Fever .
>  Fatigue , constant asthenia.
>  Night sweats .
> Skin rashes , such as rash.
> Enlarged spleen .
> Elevated values ​​of ESR and Transaminases .

Functions of the Spleen

We often hear about the removal of the Spleen as if it were a gland without vital importance, in reality, it is true without the spleen you do not die, but it plays extremely important roles especially in our immune system.

> It is our control unit in case of infections, triggering the production of antibodies and increasing that of white blood cells.
> It is the scavenger of aged and therefore useless blood cells in both white and red blood.
> It is our store of iron , platelets and white blood cells.

Remedies for the Spleen

Regarding the problems of an enlarged spleen, the treatment is closely linked to the cause, which once cured and eradicated, such as mononucleosis, will also resolve the enlarged Spleen.

In general, we can work “remotely” on the Spleen through Shiatsu and dispersed Plantar Reflexology practices .

By contacting a Naturopath, pharmacological treatment can be integrated with natural practices that speed up recovery times.

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