Soft shortcrust pastry without butter

Soft shortcrust pastry without butter

Today I am going to tell you about a recipe that I have successfully tested, that of soft shortcrust pastry without butter . This type of shortcrust pastry is perfect for making a sweet halfway between a tart and a cake, which we can fill with jam or dark chocolate in pieces.
It is also without butter, very quick to make, and keeps perfectly for 3-4 days.
Also ideal for making breakfast biscuits. Here is the recipe.


For a 20-22 cm diameter cake pan, the equivalent of 8 servings.

  • 180 grams of double zero flour + 80 grams of rice flour.
  • The grated rind of a small lemon.
  • 80 grams of sugar or brown sugar.
  • 170 grams of 5% fat fage total yogurt or other full-fat Greek yogurt (non-skimmed).
  • An egg.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Half a sachet of vanilla baking powder or alternatively a teaspoon of cream of tartar and a pinch of baking soda.For the filling.
  • 100 grams of extra dark chocolate or alternatively 100 grams of Novi-type hazelnut cream diluted with half a glass of skimmed milk or a jar of Hero Light jam or other filling of your choice, for example cooked apples or pears. Method. 
  • In a bowl, mix the flours with the sugar, a pinch of salt, the lemon zest and the baking powder.
    Separately, mix the egg with the cold yogurt from the fridge.
  • Add the cream mixture to the flour and mix with your fingertips until the dough is soft but does not stick to your hands. In case, add a little more flour.
  • Take a pan with not too thin edges.
  • Make a layer of shortcrust pastry with two thirds of the dough with the help of your hands.
  • Distribute the filling. The jam or chocolate reduced to small pieces or two apples or two pears pass a moment in the saucepan with a teaspoon of water or lemon juice, cinnamon and a spoonful of brown sugar.
  • With the third of the shortcrust pastry make strips with your fingers (like sausages) and place them on top of the filling.
  • Immediately put the cake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180 ° or until it is golden brown.The dough will tend to swell a little in the oven due to the yeast, and the result will be a soft pastry that will fit the filling.
    Soft shortcrust pastry without butter with Hero Light jam (replaceable with apple compote): 207 calories.
    With apples or pears: 225 calories. 

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