Natural remedies for impure skin

Natural remedies for impure skin

Impure skin on the face is a real mess: unexpectedly, pimples, blackheads, boils attack us here and there, but luckily there are natural remedies that can intervene to help us solve the problem and prevent an unsightly “T” zone. “Greasy and shiny!

Natural remedies for impure skin

Impure skin is greasy to the touch, uneven, inflamed in areas . The cause of such a skin is, very often, an excess of sebum production by the sebaceous glands.

The sebum represents a sort of protective screen for the skin against external agents that can harm it: microorganisms (bacteria, fungi ), air, water, smog, pollution, sunlight, heat, cold.

When the skin tries to defend itself in a very active way and is not cared for enough, indeed perhaps mistreated with soaps with the wrong skin pH and unsuitable cleaning tools, here it becomes a skin that is not really healthy.

Yes, because impure skin is also particularly sensitive : it must be treated from the outside with appropriate products, and from the inside by following a diet rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals . It is absolutely forbidden to smoke, consume alcohol or too much coffee.

Impure skin and natural remedies: how to start the counterattack

The counterattack to impure skin with the use of natural remedies can be implemented early in the morning, by cleaning the face : after washing the face with warm water alternating with cold water and having gently dabbed it with a towel, take some skim milk and apply it dropwise on cotton wool or sterile gauze and start dabbing your face.

After the milk comes the tonic, always homemade . You can choose between a fennel tonic , prepared by infusing dry seeds and fennel leaves for about 5 minutes and then applied to the face when cold; or the astringent mint tonic , prepared by leaving the stems and leaves of fresh mint to infuse for 5 minutes. Or the willow and lemon tonic : an infusion is made with chopped willow bark, to which half a fresh filtered lemon is added.

The combination of the two elements and principles is excellent for dissolving the keratin plugs that clog the pores of the skin. All three are therefore excellent tonics to eliminate black spots .

The same procedure can be repeated for cleaning the face in the evening, before going to bed. If you wear make-up, you must also use a good cleansing milk that they sell in herbal medicine or pharmacy, possibly based on avocado oil and wheat germ .

Try the essential oil blend for blackhead skin

Impure skin and natural remedies: the rescue continues

To continue to exploit and combine the synergistic action of natural remedies in the best possible way, a very useful nourishing preparation for the fight against impure skin is the following: a base of wheat germ oil is taken , to which a drop of oil is added of rosemary , or of geranium oil , or of sage oil or of lavender or malaleuca .

The oil obtained is applied to the face, massaging gently. Its beneficial and nourishing action will be felt throughout the day.

 Impure skin and natural remedies: the one-off reinforcement       

Very important to counteract the imbalance that underlies impure skin is a natural remedy that can be done once a week: herbal fumes or vapors .

Take a pot and boil about a liter of water, put herbs in a bowl of your choice between chamomile, nettle, calendula, thyme and rosemary (cleansing and softening properties), or mint, lemon elderflower ( astringent properties), leek and fennel (healing and purifying properties) together with a nice spoonful of baking soda , pour over the boiling water, bring your face close, keeping your head under a towel for about ten minutes. This operation purifies the pores of the skin and makes them transpire.

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