Misdirection in the diet: how to remedy it?

Misdirection in the diet: how to remedy it?

Today I propose a very simple strategic plan to make sure that the cheating is included in the diet, thus avoiding an accumulation of weight from excess calories: these are rules that I also follow, when I want something good, or I’m out and I have choices very limited and I have to eat something.

– Ice cream or granita with cream ARE a meal: the ice cream cone or granita with cream are not a snack or a snack, but a meal with carbohydrates and fats. Always trying to choose the artisan, let’s eat it instead of lunch or dinner, reserving 100 grams of fruit of your choice for a snack with a pack of fat-free Greek yogurt. The next meal (i.e. the previous lunch or the following dinner) must be protein and reduced in fat: a carpaccio of bresaola or a grilled fish, for example. Avoid the combination of ice cream + fruit.
– If you eat pizza or flatbread, have the other protein meal:you want to eat your pizza. Always choose the less stuffed and caloric one, with a thin dough, and don’t drink too much, nor eat dessert afterwards. Remember that if you eat pizza for dinner, lunch must be protein and vice versa.

– If you eat the hamburger, do you have a vegan meal: do you have dinner or lunch with hamburger or cheeseburger? Recover that 700-calorie hit with a vegan compensation meal: a simple bean or chickpea salad with chickpeas or beans in a jar and mixed salad, plus a few raw vegetables (cucumber, bell pepper, carrot, courgette) and a teaspoon of oil are a excellent compensation meal. Same thing if you eat kebab.
If you can, avoid pairing it with fried potatoes or share a small pan with other people.
– The aperitif is almost always a meal:Unless you just munch on two olives, two and a pickled gherkin with prosecco, the appetizer buffet is a meal, and it’s pretty heavy too. Limit spirits cocktails to just one cocktail or go for two glasses of prosecco or one of wine.
Avoid eating too many stir-fries and for the next meal limit yourself to a large can of natural tuna with some tomatoes, salad and a teaspoon of oil, plus snacks based on raw cucumbers or raw fennel, which will help you clean yourself of the alcohol. they are low-calorie and draining.

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