Lose weight with the Love me diet

Lose weight with the Love me diet

Healthy-DietBefore you start reading, I warn you. Love me diet is a dietary approach , not a true diet with calories, dishes, types of foods to eat. It is a dietary approach, I mean that it is a series of psychological advice, things that in my humble opinion are as useful as the diet, since most people who absolutely want to lose weight but do not know how to do it should clear their minds first. and think about their goals, then think about what to put in the shopping cart. Otherwise any dietary advice will be the same for them. And after two, three months, they will be wondering what other diet to do.
So in the end, if you are tired of switching from one diet to another, perhaps the first thing to do is REFLECT . ThereLove me diet is a dietary approach developed by Jackie Conn, the American manager of Weight Watchers. It is based on two simple principles, which we must never forget about ourselves: – I love myself and I want the best for me (we think this when we buy a suit, choose a restaurant, our holidays: because the diet must seem like a punishment divine?) – I believe in me and I know what’s best for me (if you don’t know yourself, you don’t know your body, you don’t know what you like, and one food is as good as another, how do you go on a diet)? In short, the principles are about loving and trusting oneself

According to the Love me diet, the diet should not be seen as a punishment, but as something we enjoy and do to be successful, to be happier. We must not be frustrated with the diet. The Love me diet is based on these rules:
– Choose from today a physical activity that makes you have a lot of fun: a dance or dance class, a sport that has intrigued you, the gym under the house where there is cute instructor, swimming, pilates, yoga whatever stimulates you. Just do it.
– Try to hang out with people who take care of their appearance and tend to improve themselves (obviously according to YOUR point of view).
– Eat according to the style of Eat to live , i.e. favoring foods with high nutritional value .
– Eat fewer calories, focusing on more fruit and vegetables and cooking them attractively: you have to eat a portion of fruit for breakfast and snacks, snacks based on fresh vegetables whenever you want, vegetables for lunch and dinner, fruit even before going to bed.
– Buy only real food, not industrial products of any kind.
– Sgarra every now and then: you don’t have to deprive yourself of everything. 
Once a week treat yourself to a free food: a croissant for breakfast or a slice of dessert or a plate of pasta or even a hamburger.

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