Lose weight by walking super effective 20 minute program

Lose weight by walking super effective 20 minute program

Does walking make you lose weight?
It depends on many things as I have already explained to you here .

But for those who love walking and have never seen appreciable results in terms of weight loss, here is the 20-minute program created by personal trainer Ryan Fairman to lose weight through walking.

And under other workouts that will make you lose weight simply by walking.


The best thing is to do this workout in the morning, explains the coach, who cites a recent study that showed that those who exercised in the morning lost more weight.

We can carry out this program in a park, on the terrace of the house, in the gym using a treadmill for walking or an exercise bike for a ride.
Or at home by jogging or walking on the spot.
The one-minute exercises should be done at maximum speed.

    • three minutes of walking at a moderate pace, for warm-up, or a very light jog even on the ground.
    • 1 minute of bodyweight squat at maximum speed.
    • 3 minutes of moderate walking or very light jogging.
    • one minute of running with knees raised at maximum speed.
    • three minutes of moderate walking or very light jogging.
    • 1 minute of running at full speed by clapping with arms up.
    • 3 minutes of moderate walking or very light jogging.
    • one minute of exercise in which we touch the right foot with the left hand and the left foot with the right hand, legs apart, bending only the torso.
    • 4 minutes of walking at a moderate pace or very light jog.


To lose weight just using walking, which we can do on the street or in the park, use this high intensity workout instead . You can also intersperse it with today’s training, doing one day and one day the other.

If, on the other hand, you would like to walk but you cannot go outside and you do not have a treadmill or an exercise bike at home, on youtube you will find videos called “Walk at home”: this for 15 minutes, this for 30 minutes.

As you can see there are many ways to lose weight by walking, especially if we already love to do it and the usual brisk walking does not give us more results.

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