Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of cystitis
Cystitis is a bladder infection, usually of bacterial origin, which causes painful and frequent urination. In severe cases it can lead to fever, sweating and abdominal pain. Let’s discover the homeopathic remedies to prevent and cure it.
Causes and symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis is an acute or chronic infection of the bladder . Microorganisms in most cases arrive at this organ by ascending route, coming from the urethra or from the external genitalia.
Cystitis is more frequent in women due to the greater shortness of the urethra and the possible recurrence of vulvo-vaginal infections. When present, it manifests itself with frequent, painful and scarce urination, burning sensation on urination, incomplete emptying and / or weight in the supra-pubic region. The presence of chills, followed by high fever and sweating, lower back and abdominal pain, indicates a return of the infection towards the kidney, and the progressive onset of pyelonephritis .
However, the bladder is usually very resistant to infections, which therefore can occur mostly as a result of predisposing conditions that favor the stagnation of urine in it, as occurs, for example, in men , in the case of prostatic hypertrophy; also the existence of infectious / inflammatory phenomena affecting neighboring intestinal organs, such as colorectal and appendix, can favor the occurrence of episodes of cystitis by contiguity.
The chronic form is very often the result of a neglected or poorly treated acute form: in it the bladder can be ulcerated or indurated and inextensible, or growths can form inside it (granular cystitis, polypoid, follicular and cystic).
Traditional therapy makes use, in acute forms, of targeted antibiotic therapies and consequent to a cultural examination, therapies that however often favor the return of symptoms, also by modifying that intestinal flora, which often represents the best bulwark for the recurrence of infections.
The same antibiotics are often used at constant but certainly lower dosages, precisely to avoid the continuous recurrence of infections, in chronic forms, as well as, always in the same, natural substances are used that can act on the lipid film of the bladder wall or on the degree of acidity of the environment, especially in abacterial cystitis, particularly common in women after menopause.
Homeopathic remedies for cystitis
In acute cystitis there are many homeopathic remedies that can replace common antibiotics with equal efficacy, but fewer side effects, based on the prevalence of one symptomatology rather than another:
- Cantharis is the main remedy of the forms in which burning sensations prevail when urinating, and of those hemorrhagic forms that indicate an initial lesion of the organ wall;
- Mercurius when the patient urinates little and often, and in all forms that show progressive involvement of renal function;
- Sepia is indicated in those forms where the sense of local heaviness is mainly, and in the lower abdomen, which expresses bladder involvement;
- Finally, Staphysagria is used in honeymoon cystitis and in those forms in which the burning sensation ceases when urinating.
Where infections are constantly caused by a bacterium that is a habitual host, and often harmless, of our organism, Escherichia coli , an atypical homeopathic remedy often finds success and is more specific for this type of infections, which is the Colibacillinum .
In chronic cystitis, the homeopathic approach is certainly the one that has the greatest probability of success, since an analysis aimed at the whole organism, and therefore not only at the organ that is the site of the pathology, will always allow us to identify in predisposing conditions placed upstream of the same, or also linked to the particular vertebral statics, the real conditions to be treated in order to reach a truly effective treatment.
The overexertion of the hepatobiliary function , in fact, often presupposes a state of congestion, over time, of the pelvic organs which causes alterations of the intestinal flora and variations of the local conditions, thus favoring the proliferation of microorganisms often only slightly pathogenic; at other times, on the other hand, repeated postural alterations produce misalignments and protrusions of the intervertebral discs, especially at the lumbar level, where the complex neurological systems that regulate the functionality of the pelvic organs are found.
Ultimately, therefore, in the chronic forms, the only local approach – which in homeopathy is indicated, like traditional medicine, only in the acute forms – cannot in the long term give excellent results because it ends up neglecting adjacent functional aspects, and certainly favoring the onset of bladder symptoms.
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