High-fat diet: increases hunger and diabetes risk

High-fat diet: increases hunger and diabetes risk

There are three recent studies that highlight the effects of a high-fat diet on people’s health.
The first, very detailed and Italian, clears the sugars as a cause of high blood sugar or the risk of diabetes. And a second study also confirmed that carbohydrates aren’t the enemy when it comes to diabetes.


Everything would have its origin in the intestine , which, according to a new all-Italian study, as a domino effect leads to a fatter liver and a greater risk of diabetes. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (an enlarged liver not from excess alcohol) and diabetes are related. However, everything comes from the intestine.
According to a study directed by Humanitas, in fact, too much fat in the diet leads to a change in our intestinal bacterial flora.
This bacterial change alters the gut’s epithelial barrier. That is, the intestine has barriers so that what we eat and the resulting bacteria do not have to reach the rest of the body through the circulatory system. A high-fat diet weakens these natural defenses: the bacteria thus reach the liver, poisoning it.

When the liver is compromised, it increases in size and no longer works well. The result is that we gain weight, especially in the belly and around the organs, that is, we accumulate visceral fat. Hence, the risk of diabetes.

Another study found a link between a high-fat diet and the risk of developing diabetes.

The study details that cells do not incorporate sugars properly due to damage to the mitochondria. This results in high blood sugar. The study , conducted by Dr Barbara Nikolajczyk of the Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center in collaboration with MIT reveals a disturbing fact.

Humans would be different in this from other animals, so all the studies conducted on mice and flies on the effect of sugars in diabetes are not relevant to humans as has always been thought up to now.
In fact, fats trigger an immune response, damaging T lymphocytes as well as mitochondria. As a result, glycolysis, i.e. the conversion of sugars into energy (ATP), is impaired. Put simply, carbohydrates are not converted properly into energy and at the same time the cells are not receiving glucose. So you get fat and your blood sugar is high in your blood. But there is more. There are the effects of a high-fat diet on the hypothalamus, with consequences on hunger.

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