Gabriella Vico’s detox plan to lose weight in 7 days

Gabriella Vico’s detox plan to lose weight in 7 days

A quick and easy detox plan to lose weight in 7 days, getting back in shape after a period of parties and binges? You can receive it for free from Gabriella Vico, an online personal trainer and former volleyball player.

Gabriella has a nutrition and fitness article site at Vico della Forma and offers many programs for those who want to have a new body with the right nutrition and training at Vico della Forma Coaching .

And for those looking for free slimming plans resources, Gabriella Vico’s 7-day weight loss detox plan may be for you. It’s called DETOX POWER and you can download it for free here , in pdf.
Otherwise you can go to her website Di lei Vico della Forma , then click on programs in the top menu and choose Detox Power.

What does the Detox Power plan offer to lose weight in 7 days?

A day by day menu (at the end of the document), a shock phase to immediately feel better, many recipes for soups, salads and smoothies or single dishes. Like for example this smoothie here.


  • 100 grams of fennel
  • two slices of pineapple in natural or fresh juice
  • 2 cm of grated ginger (or a teaspoon of ground ginger)
  • two ice cubes
  • a glass of water (200 ml). Blend everything and drink it immediately.

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