Feeding for depression: results in 3 weeks

Feeding for depression: results in 3 weeks

study just published in the journal Plos One reveals that a specific Mediterranean-type diet reduces symptoms of depression in three weeks. The scientists took two groups of 38 adults aged 18 to 35 suffering from depression and anxiety and put them on a control diet after a period of observation of their eating habits.

One group followed their diet routine for three weeks, with no food restrictions. The second group, on the other hand, followed a specific diet for depression developed on the basis of previous studies that linked the Mediterranean diet to the reduction of depressive symptoms. Let’s see what this dietary protocol entailed.


For 3 weeks, group two followed this type of diet on a Mediterranean basis.

  • 5 servings of vegetables and vegetables per day (approximately 500-600 grams)
  • 2-3 servings of fruit per day (approximately 250-300 grams)
  • three servings a day of whole grains and three of lean proteins (white meat, fish, tofu, legumes, eggs, of which fish three times a week)
  • 3 servings of unsweetened or fruit-based dairy products per day (e.g. low-fat yogurt or skim milk)
  • Three tablespoons a day of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or oil seeds (flax, pumpkin, sunflower, chia)
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil a day.
  • A teaspoon of spice including cinnamon and turmeric per day and an omega3 supplement.
  • Aromatic herbs to taste. Participants adhered very well to the program, without overstretching. They did various tests before and after the meal plan to test for the type of depression, its severity, and its symptoms.


After the 3 weeks, here’s what the experts noticed.

Reduced anger, anxiety and stress in the diet group, but no memory improvement. At the end of the study, after a few months, people were asked to find out if they had continued to follow the recommendations. Only 21 percent did not. The rest continued to eat that way and benefited from it.

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