Energy expenditure: how to increase it?

Energy expenditure: how to increase it?

How to lose weight without effort?

The answer is by increasing our energy expenditure, i.e. by trying to burn more calories than we normally consume.

Here are some tips to leverage our energy expenditure to lose weight.

This always taking into account that, if we have a disordered diet, it will still be necessary to remedy it, at least by increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables exponentially.

  • An extra serving of fresh fruit
    (especially in the morning, paired with some protein foods such as eggs, Greek yogurt, etc.).
  • Two large side dishes of vegetables between lunch and dinner
  • A few snacks based on fresh vegetables cut on the spot, such as cucumbers, fennel, radishes, carrots. In this way the tips you will read below will have even more chances to work on our daily energy expenditure. Because we will have ensured that boost of antioxidants, vitamins and mineral salts that will support the metabolism.


  1. Improving Body Composition: Muscles Burn More Than Fat, But How Much More? For about 4 pounds of muscle, the body burns 30 more calories at rest, meaning the basal metabolic rate increases by 30 calories.
  2. Choosing HIIT: Initially it will be difficult, but don’t give up. HIIT is the kind of high intensity exercise that can be done in minutes, even 5-10 minutes.It allows us to keep fit even if we have little time, but above all it increases post-workout energy expenditure by leveraging increased oxygen consumption (EPOC).
    Those who perform HIIT tend to have a higher metabolism even if they train little.
  3. Drinking more water: without exaggerating, if you drink too little water, you should reconsider and drink at least one liter more. The daily expenditure increases up to 100 extra calories per day depending on how much water we drink.But I recommend: this does not mean drinking 4-5 liters of water a day!
    This dose could have consequences both on the kidneys and on the electrolyte balance (i.e. be careful not to lose too many mineral salts) and slow down the metabolism.
  4. Drink antioxidant tea and herbal teas: my favorites are green tea, matcha, fennel seed tea, fresh mint tea, fresh ginger, cinnamon and lemon tea.
    Let’s make it a daily habit, especially in the morning, focusing on green tea for its content of  epigallocatechin gallate , a phytonutrient known for its remarkable antioxidant action.
    The best time is in the morning for herbal teas, in the afternoon for those based on spices and herbs. These drinks act on energy expenditure. Green tea should not be taken in the form of extracts, supplements, etc.
  5. Increase the consumption of spices, fresh and dried aromatic herbs: did you know that parsley is very rich in vitamin C? And that many dried herbs are rich in valuable minerals?
    And that among the spices there are some that lower blood sugar and therefore mediate the action of insulin, others that instead increase thermogenesis, others that act as powerful anti-inflammatories helping the immune system and metabolism?
    Did you know all this and still haven’t made a move?
    Spice your dishes!
  6. Get more sleep: Those who sleep less have more risks of insulin resistance and high cholesterol. Cortisol increases by 50% in bad dorms, which worsens the metabolism, causing it to slow down.Sleep at least 7-9 hours a night (and if you can’t, try to recover during the day: it’s not quite the same thing but it’s better than getting little sleep), in a totally dark and possibly cooler environment.
  7. Wash yourself like this: do you want to increase your energy expenditure? Start changing your toilet routine.
    Scrub with a simple wet sponge and massage all over the body before entering the shower or bathroom, hot shower or bath and finally a burst of cold water.
    This simple routine allows us to improve the lymphatic and immune systems , reduce stress and stimulate the action of brown fat, the ally of a fast metabolism.

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