Does eating carbohydrates at dinner make you lose weight? 4 diets to try.

Does eating carbohydrates at dinner make you lose weight? 4 diets to try.

We have all heard the story that eating carbohydrates for dinner, therefore bread, pasta, rice, cereals, fruit, sweets, especially from six in the afternoon onwards, would make you fat. The hypothesis is that sugars should be eaten when we need more energy.
Since no one runs marathons at night, we always believed in this idea that eating carbohydrates at dinner made you fat.

But that’s not the case at all.
In fact, this hypothesis did not take into account other variables apart from the reduced level of physical activity at night.


Dr. Sofer (2011-13), as I explained in this article , had already conducted two studies that disproved the idea that eating carbohydrates at dinner made you fat: by analyzing what happens at the hormonal level, Sofer found that those who ate carbohydrates at dinner he was less hungry the next day and slept better. On the one hand, the work of the adrenal glands and therefore stress is reduced, while the increase in melatonin is favored. On the other hand, the hunger hormone is reduced and we are satisfied more easily.

In fact, if we only eat proteins and vegetables for dinner, as many dieters do, insulin increases. But since there are no carbohydrates, the hypoglycemic action has an effect on cortisol, the main stress hormone. The result is that the stress rises, we feel more awake and active and we are unable to fall asleep. The next morning, it will be easier to eat too many sweets in reaction.


In a study prior to Sofer’s, overweight women were placed on a low-calorie diet with a larger dinner. The meal was also balanced with carbohydrates. For example, a good plate of pasta with shrimps and courgettes. Compared to those who consumed the same calories but with a light dinner, the participants lost more body fat than the others, maintaining lean mass more easily.

In a subsequent study to Sofer’s, however, it was found that those who ate carbohydrates at dinner had a better glucose metabolism than those who skipped them. This means less fat around the waist, less hunger for sweets the next day, lower risk of diabetes. In short, sugars were burned more easily .

Now let’s see in which cases it is especially convenient to eat carbohydrates at dinner to lose weight

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