How to disinfect the colon thanks to 7 foods

How to disinfect the colon thanks to 7 foods

An inflamed colon is a condition that can lead to intestinal problems of a temporary nature, but if left untreated it can trigger the so-called irritable bowel syndrome, of which I spoke extensively on Dcomedieta because I suffered from it for years.

A condition that should not be underestimated, trying to act promptly on the quality of the diet and on our routine in order to avoid a chronic state. Symptoms vary, but in general there is swelling, water retention, more or less severe spasms, urgency to go to the toilet, colic or on the contrary constipation, meteorism, in some cases severe cramps, which also make it difficult to breathe.

But how to de-inflammation the colon?

How to disinfect the colon?
Diet and medication are not the same for everyone.

Obviously there are pharmacological treatments, but they do not have the same effect on everyone.

We also often read that those suffering from irritable bowel should eliminate gluten and caseins (ie a class of proteins found in milk derivatives): however, there is no scientific evidence on this point .

The case of gluten.

Going to do a careful research it turns out that the elimination of gluten can only work in the case of an inflamed colon with frequent intestinal colic , but this inflammation could be the indicator of a celiac syndrome or a sensitivity to non-celiac gluten. And therefore it SAFELY work in people who find themselves celiac or sensitive to gluten, while it is more likely that the inflammation of the colon is due to the fructans contained in some cereals or all the fodmaps.

Conversely, an irritable bowel associated with constipation can even get worse on a gluten-free diet.

The reason for this worsening is unknown, although gastroenterologists make various hypotheses, for example that gluten improves intestinal transit for motility, which is why in constipated subjects with irritable bowel it may be the wheat germ that annoys but not gluten. in itself, which on the contrary would alleviate constipation. 

  • It therefore becomes very difficult to have a single dietary and therapeutic treatment for those suffering from irritable or inflamed colon, which should be differentiated according to the symptoms.
  • When associated with colic, a low fodmap diet like this one , which also excludes gluten, might be helpful.

On the other hand, if associated with constipation, a diet low in fructans, contained in whole wheat germ, onion, garlic, etc. And a bland diet like the Brat diet or the bland diet for acute irritable bowel .

And some caseins.

The casein problem is even smokier than gluten. In fact, the Fodmap diet recommended by scientists includes caseins but excludes only dairy products. In other words, lactose would be the problem but not the caseins, so aged cheeses are suitable for those suffering from irritable colon.
In addition, some studies have highlighted a role in IBS of β-casomorphin 7, a type of casein that is formed from beta-casein A1, which is found in large quantities in vaccine dairy products.

Therefore aged sheep or goat cheeses are safer in any case, while for dairy products or goat or sheep milk it would first be necessary to evaluate a lactose intolerance.
Experts therefore recommend not eliminating cheeses from the diet in any case, but making different choices.

But are there any foods that can be useful both in one case and another, by reducing the inflammatory state of the colon?

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