Does aloe vera make you lose weight?

Does aloe vera make you lose weight?

Recently some of my readers have asked me if taking aloe vera can make you lose weight. In this article we see what the scientific data are on the properties of aloe vera, what benefits it brings and if these benefits favor or counteract weight loss.


Aloe vera is one of many aloe plants, not the only one. Specifically, it is Aloe barbadensis.
The active ingredient is found in the pulp of the leaves. Taken topically, it has a soothing, tissue repair and decongestant action (for example against sunburn). On the market we also find many formulations based on aloe vera (in juice, eggs or gel) to be ingested. When drunk aloe vera juice has some interesting properties for those suffering from metabolic syndrome and in particular from high blood sugar and high cholesterol.
In fact, it has an antidiabetic action and contains substances, phytosterols, which also act on dyslipidemia , therefore they are indicated in case of high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Furthermore, aloe vera acts in the intestine, purifying the intestine and promoting the elimination of waste, especially in those who have problems with difficult, tiring digestion and hypotonic colon. In fact, it also has a slight laxative action. For those who need a laxative instead, there is another plant of the Aloe family, Aloe Ferox , which is distinctly laxative. Ferox is present in many weight loss products, but it is only a laxative.
Finally, aloe vera has long been studied for its immuno-stimulating properties. Therefore it is indicated in case of tiredness, tendency to accuse seasonal evils or a hypoactive immune system.

All this to tell you that aloe vera itself does not make you lose weight.

Combined with a low-calorie diet, it can be useful to help the body purify itself and strengthen the digestive system and correct altered values. This will obviously promote weight loss.


Today there are many products based on aloe vera on the market, but from my experience I tell you that those on the market in supermarkets and organic shops or drugstores are not very effective. The product is often too diluted and not free from additives.
Consider that the price of a good bottle of juice ranges from 15 to 20 euros.

It is taken early in the morning (in water) and before main meals in doses of 25 ml. Or for a strong detoxifying action: only in the morning in a single dose of 50 ml. Alternatively, follow the instructions on the package.
If you have high blood sugar, high cholesterol and digestive problems, here are which ones I recommend.

  • 99.8% Aloe Vera juice and pulp to drink – OFFER 3 bottles of 1 L – Italian product
  • 100% Organic Aloe Vera Premium Juice Hand Threaded | Rich in natural ingredients | Average haloverose 1200mg / l | 1 liter bottle | 2 x 1000 ml
  • ALOE VERA GOLD 1000ML : this is the product that I find best of all, because it has a high concentration of phytosterols and is free of aloin, a substance present in the plant that can be irritating.

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