Category: Beauty Tips
Sunscreens: how to choose them
Sunscreens: how to choose them We must learn to choose the right sunscreen for our skin, without being overwhelmed by the desire for a tan. This [more…]
Shingles: causes, symptoms and remedies
Shingles: causes, symptoms and remedies Shingles is the popular name given to shingles. It is a very painful infectious disease attributed to the varicella virus which [more…]
Cellulite, the natural plan of attack
Cellulite, the natural plan of attack Cellulite is a blemish that affects the majority of women and that can only be eradicated by acting on [more…]
Cheilitis: symptoms, causes and remedies
Cheilitis: symptoms, causes and remedies Cheilitis is inflammation of the lips caused by several factors. It can manifest as painful dryness, redness or peeling. Naturopathy can contribute [more…]
Hair wraps, 3 recipes
Hair wraps, 3 recipes Hair that is brittle, dry and full of split ends? Before resorting to scissors, try to repair the hair using these three [more…]
Finger: causes and remedies
Finger: causes and remedies The finger, or patereccio, is an acute inflammation that affects the fingers and toes and causes pain, redness and swelling. In some [more…]
Scabs of the scalp, causes and natural remedies
Scabs of the scalp, causes and natural remedies Itching, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff, alopecia, are possible psychosomatic signals: treating the scabs of the scalp requires [more…]
Hands, feet, mouth: causes and remedies
Hands, feet, mouth: causes and remedies The so-called hand-foot-mouth disease, also known by the acronym MMPB, manifests itself with febrile forms accompanied by a vesicular [more…]
Keratosis, causes and treatments
Keratosis, causes and treatments It occurs in the form of raised patches of brownish color, with irregular contours, peeling and red halos: keratosis is a [more…]
The seven chakras: names, meanings, colors
The seven chakras: names, meanings, colors The seven chakras can be compared to electrical transformers: they collect the energy that flows in the body, work [more…]