Britney Spears’ diet to lose 2 kg right away

Britney Spears’ diet to lose 2 kg right away

The famous singer Britney Spear s would have revealed on Instagram the diet she followed to lose 2 kilos immediately, without regaining them. The singer would in fact have asked for nutritional advice to deflate a little in view of the new tour and album, but also to reduce the problems of stress, insomnia, headaches. Her diet was based on certain fruits and vegetables, combined with protein dishes.

Spears later said on instagram that she has not regained weight, even though the weight loss has been rapid, and that she is continuing to lose weight.


Fruits and vegetables to consume: pineapple, carrots, apple, green cabbage or rocket, spinach, raw beets, bananas, pears, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, watermelon. How to consume these foods: in fruit salad, smoothie or centrifuged according to the right mix.
The singer has made it known that she will continue with these fruit and vegetable combinations to maintain weight and that she uses only fruits and vegetables instead of carbohydrates.


Breakfast: a combination of fruit as in the recipes in the form of a fruit salad or smoothie + a 150 gram white Greek yogurt + drinks of your choice between tea and coffee without sugar.
Snack : A smoothie with a cucumber and a handful of strawberries (about 150 grams) or watermelon (about 200 grams) in a glass of water. Or a recipe for smoothies or juices.
Lunch and dinner: a maximum portion of 150 grams of meat or fish including chicken, turkey, veal, octopus, squid, plaice, swordfish, natural tuna, cooked ham, shrimp, with aromatic herbs plus salad as in recipes with a teaspoon of oil, or a combination of fruit and vegetables as in recipes in the form of smoothie or centrifuged instead of salad.
After a week: for those who want to follow his example but change their diet, for lunch or dinner make a side dish of vegetables of your choice and choose a salad or a smoothie only in the other meal. Vary your lunch and dinner options with two eggs or adding 150 grams of boiled legumes to the salad or low-fat cheeses like cottage cheese or cottage cheese. You can indulge in sushi for dinner, Spears explains, but in moderation.
Snack: 2oo grams of fresh pineapple or a recipe for smoothies or centrifuged.


  • These recipes can be made: in fruit salad, in smoothie, in centrifuged, in extract.
  • Breakfast with fruit salad or smoothies.
    A 100 gram banana, 200 grams of strawberries or red fruits, a small pear or apple, lemon juice.
    A 150 gram orange, 200 grams of watermelon, a small apple, lemon juice.
  • Recipe for salads or smoothies (side dish for lunch and dinner).
    Half an apple cut into pieces, grated carrot, raw spinach, lemon juice.
    A grated carrot, spinach, lemon juice, a stick of chopped celery.
    Raw rocket or spinach, a grated or sliced ​​carrot, celery.
    A 150 gram beet, lemon juice, 100 grams of carrot, half a sliced ​​green apple.
    Cucumber, rocket and celery salad.
    Raw carrot and celery salad.
  • Mix for smoothies or centrifuged as a snack.
    A carrot, 100 grams of fresh pineapple, lemon juice, a stick of celery.
    1 carrot, 150 grams of watermelon, a large cucumber, a handful of parsley.
    Half an apple, 150 grams of beetroot, a cucumber, half a stick of celery, lemon juice and ginger.
    1 carrot, 1 red or green apple, a handful of rocket or spinach, lemon juice.

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