Brian Flatt’s 2 week diet to lose 12 pounds

Brian Flatt’s 2 week diet to lose 12 pounds

On the web, thanks to the Italian translation of its sales sites, many people let themselves be attracted by the 2-week diet of Brian Flatt, theoretically an American nutritionist, biologist and sports coach. Flatt himself also came out with another book, The 3 Week Diet, but the recipe for the two diets is the same. Lose 5-6 kg in a week on a special diet.

For some time I have been thinking about writing about this Brian Flatt diet that would lose 12 kilos in two weeks.
I did some simple research about it, but I was puzzled by the site, which looks like a very smoky sales site, where apart from buying the book there is not much other news about this incredible method.

I decided to write this article only after seeing that some Italian online magazines have talked about this 2-week diet. Wrong.
Because. AND’. A. Bullshit. And many Italian sites that speak well of it refer to the official site, the one where you don’t understand anything but you only understand that you have to put your hands on your wallet to buy this booklet divided into 4 volumes.

Because Brian Flatt’s 2 Week Diet is a scam

  • In the dietary part, the book invites you to do a little bit of everything. 24-hour fasts, protein meals with vegetables, training and the use of substances to lose weight that can be dangerous in the hands of an unfamiliar person, such as powdered caffeine and ephedrine.
  • Brian Flatt’s photo is an image from the paid advertising image site Shutterstock, which you can find at this link. 
  • The story is false: an American biologist expert in nutrition and fitness who works as a coach at a gym that was only active for a few months and closed several years ago.
  • And the testimonials that you read on these sites that invite you to buy are false: the images are always taken from the Shutterstock site, the comments were invented. Other false testimonies could also be read in the forums, written by the same people or by the person behind the name of Brian Flatt.
  • Before and after photos are taken from other internet sites.
  • The site reported the whole story in a long article. 


Another hoax concerns, as you know, Dr. Calabrese who sponsors slimming products, starting from the Idealica drops up to protein meals. Here and here Dcomedieta wrote all the details of this other sensational scam against the famous Italian dietician.

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