Body combing to lose weight and eliminate cellulite

Body combing to lose weight and eliminate cellulite

The body combing is a technique that involves a massage, which can be self-massage, with a special comb, which must be done on the whole body and in particular in the areas that have more localized adiposity, such as belly, legs, hips, arms.
Similar to body brushing and gua sha, body combing works like a lymphatic massage, and many experts recommend it for weight loss and cellulite removal.

Works? According to a 2014 study , body combing works to lose weight: it actually reduces the centimeters of the areas with localized fat, but it does not eliminate cellulite, although it actually improves the appearance of the skin.

Body combing is a different technique from body brushing because the movements are based on the meridian points according to traditional Chinese medicine: by acting on these meridians, it acts on an energy level, reducing stress and improving metabolism and blood circulation. In fact, body fat would be a consequence of the energy block or IQ (energy channels) in particular for the dai meridian .

Therefore, those who want to try it can also do it alone, as long as they faithfully follow the technique, and then, subsequently, focus on the area to be treated.


Katie Brindle, founder of The Hayo’u Method company explains in a video how to perform body combing by herself.
On her site it is also possible to buy the special comb for this slimming massage. But those who want to avoid buying the product from America can use Amazon to have it at home in a few days.
Comb for Body Combing – Gua Sha Treatment .

Once you have the comb, which as you can see from the link must have at least 4 tips, you need to follow the tutorials that you find on the net. Here are the ones from The Hayo’u Method.

  • First step: body combing of the scalp. It must always be performed, before that for the body, here (from minute 0.34).
  • Second step : body combing of the body. In the video, the model is wearing a towel, but it is done on bare skin. It is done all over the body, as shown, by repeating the massage up and down in the areas to be treated. Here. You can use a massage oil, for example birch oil, before the treatment.

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