Acne: symptoms, causes, all remedies
Acne is a very complex disorder, the causes of which can be of various kinds. There are specific natural remedies that can help soothe and accompany less severe forms of remission.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that primarily affects the face.
The inflammatory process involves the hair follicle and its sebaceous gland and can depend on hormonal factors, but also on stress . Let’s find out better how to cure it.
- Acne: how and why it appears
- Causes and Diagnosis
- The cures for acne
- Diet
- Herbal remedies
- Bach flowers
- Chinese medicine for acne treatment
- Aromatherapy and acne
- Rituals
Acne how and why it appearsÂ
What is acne? It is a typical physiological manifestation of adolescence; it usually tends to disappear with puberty and, in rare cases, in adulthood.
What happens is that the sebaceous glands, stimulated by hormones, process excess sebum which acts as a “plug” because it obstructs the opening of the follicle. In this first phase, the blackhead is formed . Subsequently the skin suffers from the consequent inflammatory reaction that damages it.Â
About 80% of young people suffer from acne and the symptoms are quite obvious. Polymorphic acne features comedones, papules, pustules, or nodules. The manifestation of acne varies according to the type of skin.
From the symptoms (comedones, papulo-pustular, cystic, nodular, conglobate, mixed nodules) the type of acne is understood and the degree of severity of each type (mild, moderate, severe, fulminans) is ascertained.
Symptoms also reveal any associated systemic conditions (in women) such as impaired ovarian or adrenal hormone metabolism, presence of micropolicistic ovary (PCO). The areas that are most affected by acne are: the face, neck and décolleté, the back, the scalp.
Causes of acne and classification
Diagnosis can reveal one or more of several clinical variations of acne. The disorder is due to genetic factors, aggravated by anxiety or stressful phenomena.Â
Clinically there are different forms of acne , but how many types of acne are there? Here are some of them:
- Endogenous Acne : (vulgar or juvenile or polymorphic acne), it is classified as a chronic dermatosis, localized on the face, shoulders, chest. It is typical of puberty and subsides over time until remission by the age of 30. In rare cases it lasts up to 40 years. There are various levels of juvenile, comedonic and papular, nodular and conglobate acne.Â
- Acne Conglobata : it is a severe chronic form, with nodular lesions, the presence of cysts, which can form a sort of abscess with pus. Generally the areas most affected are the back and chest in men, while in women it affects the armpits, breasts and groin.Â
- Acne Fulminans (acute ulcerative febrile acne), is classified as a papulo-nodular lesion that tends to ulcerate, and is associated with fever, myalgia, most likely an immune reaction against Propionibacterium acnes .Â
- Acne Exogenous (Majorcan acne, mechanical, iatrogenic, cosmetic) these are various forms of acne caused by external factors: exposure to the sun, trauma from clothing or buckles, drugs, mineral oils and lanolin.
How to cure acne
There are cures, remedies and treatments that help reduce inflammatory states up to total remission. According to the type of acne, there are more targeted treatments , but it is certainly possible to deal with the disorder in a holistic way, contemplating more areas on which to operate.
Nutrition and acne
Acne is often the result of a hormonal imbalance and it is necessary to use foods that do not burden the liver, the body’s biochemical center, including milk and derivatives, refined flours and alcohol. Foods that negatively contribute to the state of the skin
must then be completely eliminated : refined carbohydrates, all foods that contain industrial oils and therefore “trans” fatty acids: fried foods, margarine, vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, palm oil and oil of sunflower or corn seeds.
Against acne it is important to have a natural diet based on whole grains, legumes, fruit and vegetables, with a moderate consumption of animal proteins, preferably vegetable ones.
Avoid red or white meats too rich in hormones (such as veal and chicken), prefer fresh small fish. In this way, all the nutrients supporting acne are ensured , which are:
- Vitamin AÂ : carrots, pumpkin, melon and apricots;
- Vitamins of group BÂ : whole grains;
- Minerals : magnesium, chromium, selenium and zinc: the lack of the latter unbalances the hormonal balance. Oily seeds and wheat germ oil are rich in it;
- Omega 3 and omega 6 : these are essential fatty acids that balance inflammatory reactions. They are found in greater quantities in fish but also in oil seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and flax) and in vegetable oils: wheat germ oil and cold pressed linseed oil.Â
You can learn more  about the benefits of minerals and learn about the foods that contain them
Herbal remedies for acne
To treat acne , medicinal plants  are indicated that perform a detoxifying and purifying action of the blood, to promote the elimination of toxins, and thus enhance the functionality of the liver, kidneys and intestines , in order to regulate secretion sebaceous and thus counteract skin impurity, when the disorder is due to hepato-intestinal disorders or food intolerances . Among the plants with a purifying action with which to prepare herbal teas, or to be taken in tablets and drops we find:Burdock : ( Arctium Lappa ) its root is very useful when the increased greasiness of the skin (seborrhea) and the real pimples, inflamed or with the presence of pus, are caused by the presence of waste from metabolic processes in the body. Burdock mother tincture is also helpful for skin problems .
- Pansy : ( Viola tricolor ), the most important property of flowers and leaves is the specific purifying one on certain skin disorders. The use of the plant can be carried out both internally and externally, that is with infusions and poultices to be applied directly to the skin.
The bud extract of the Platano ( Platanus orientalis ), as a draining agent for the skin, is used in the case of juvenile acne and acne rosacea; that of Walnut ( Juglans regia ) for rosacea with comedones and furunculosis complicated by staphylococci and streptococci.
This disorder is also the symptom of an alteration of the bacterial flora ( intestinal dysbiosis ), for this reason the elective treatment often involves the simultaneous use of plant remedies of lactic ferments, in order to rebalance and support the internal probiotics.
Finally, hormonal imbalances in the puberty phase, during the menstrual cycle or the period of pregnancy can be other causes at the base of acne, which justifies the use of plants with a rebalancing action on the endocrine system.
Bach flowers for acne
Flower therapy uses Crab apple for the treatment of acne , pimples and skin diseases in general. It is the remedy associated with purification .
The skin represents one of the most important organs of emotional expression; it constitutes the external covering of the human being, its envelope and its boundary . When this envelope becomes “dirty” and skin diseases develop , it is the signal that the “border” with one’s environment is no longer in equilibrium. Acne in this perspective translates a bad relationship with oneself.
Self- love is lacking , a rejection of one’s own personality is experienced which pushes the subject to distance others, to avoid contact.
Chinese medicine for acne
For the regulation of the endocrine metabolism and the expulsion of Wind and Heat to treat acne, important points are:
- TAI CHONGÂ (on the back of the foot, between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal), regulates the Liver, cools the Blood;
- TAI XIÂ (above the apex of the internal malleolus and the Achilles tendon), tones the energy.
Also find out how to take care of acne-prone skin with natural cosmetics
Aromatherapy and acne
The essential oils most commonly used in the treatment of acne, on the one hand, exert an antiseptic and purifying action on skins that show pimples, blackheads or excessive greasiness; while on the other hand they repair and regenerate the tissues showing scars.Â
These essences can be applied directly on the skin , diluting a few drops in a little aloe gel or they can be used in the preparation of purifying masks or in addition to your own cream to give it an astringent and rebalancing effect. Among the most effective oils we mention:
- Lemon essential oil : it is useful in case of acne, oily and impure skin, as it counteracts the excessive production of sebum and closes the dilated pores. Furthermore, this essence has lightening and regenerating properties, suitable for promoting the healing process.
- Essential oil of myrrh : its antiseptic action is effective in the presence of inflamed comedones or with pus; while the healing property regenerates the damaged skin.
- Lavender essential oil is used in case of burns, wounds, sores, as it promotes the growth of new cells and therefore the regeneration of tissues. It relieves and decongests redness.Â
- Sandalwood essential oil also alleviates many hassles and blemishes caused by acne. This is due to an internal component, farnesol, which has antibacterial and antifungal activity. Other essential oils containing farnesol are jasmine , palmarosa, and ylang ylang essential oils .
The first exercise is almost a meditation oriented towards non-action : it is better to avoid giving in to the temptation to crush , squeeze. Germs walk around and often, when you go to tease a boil and immediately after another – even worse if you have not carried out a preventive hand hygiene action – you risk worsening the situation.
The good advice is to experience facial cleansing as a ritual to be consumed regularly, better if done with natural products and perhaps indulging in a few smiles to show off in the mirror, when you least expect it (this will have an incredible influence on the your self-esteem).
Shiatsu face self-massage requires time to devote to the forehead, eyes, cheeks, chin, nose, ears and head. Each technique is performed by associating circular movements or alternating pressures with inhalation and exhalation.
It is not just a local massage, as it tries to rebalance the entire flow of qi , vital energy, and the tissues are stimulated.
The meridians starting from the head and face are those of :
- Bladder;
- Gall bladder
- Stomach.
The meridians ending on the head and face are :
- Governor vase;
- Conception vase;
- Large intestine;
- Small intestine;
- Triple Heater.
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