8 myths about metabolism according to dr. Oz

8 myths about metabolism according to dr. Oz

The Dr. Oz show has changed a lot in recent years, addressing different issues concerning health and physical well-being, always wanting to talk about diets and nutrition. In fact, Dr. Oz recently launched a series of videos in collaboration with the team of experts who are part of the editorial staff of his program. These are small in-depth videos that you can find on the official fb page of dr. Oz : from bacterial flora to stress to sleep to intestinal problems.

In this article we see one about metabolism myths, which I have translated for you. It is very interesting because it is updated from the point of view of recent scientific discoveries.

Specifically, Dr. Oz addresses 8 myths about metabolism.


Metabolism , definition: complex of biochemical reactions of synthesis and degradation, which take place in every living organism and which determine its growth, renewal, maintenance.

  1. Thin people have a faster metabolism. False.
    Metabolism depends on our height, build and lean mass. The thinner (or smaller in stature) a person is and the less lean mass they have, the slower they will have a metabolism, regardless of their body weight.
  2. Your metabolism is set on your genetics. False.
    Even though your genes affect your metabolism, the two things that affect it the most are your lifestyle (including your diet) and your activity level.
  3. Having a slow metabolism means putting on weight. Not always.
    You get fat when you eat more calories than your body burns. There are people who have a slow metabolism and are not overweight. And people with fast metabolisms who are overweight.
  4. If you have a fast metabolism, you can eat anything without gaining weight. False.
    Even though those with a higher metabolism burn more calories, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet.
  5. Spicy foods speed up the metabolism. Nì.
    Spicy foods increase thermogenesis, developing more body heat. But it is a temporary fact, so it is a minimal energy expenditure.
  6. Smaller and more meals speed up the metabolism. False. The number of meals depends on your digestive habits and abilities, but they do not affect your metabolism. They count the daily calories.
  7. Your metabolism slows down with age. Not always.
    If lean mass usually decreases with age, this process can be reversed by acting on lifestyle and exercising.
  8. There are supplements that speed up the metabolism.

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