50 small habits to lose weight immediately

50 small habits to lose weight immediately

Fifty small habits to lose weight immediately, but without a specific diet: according to Cynthia Dermody , beauty and wellness expert and editor-in-chief of Her magazine, it is possible to transform one’s routine into a real slimming path without following specific diet plans or workouts. And without regaining weight.

1) Stretching as soon as you wake up: a leg and arm stretch should be repeated twice as soon as we get out of bed.
2) For breakfast,
 add one tablespoon of oat bran or one teaspoon of wheat germ to two tablespoons of whole grain oats, to pair with a cup of skim milk or skimmed Greek yogurt. 
3) Make a protein snack with a hard-boiled egg or 100g of skimmed cottage cheese in the middle of the morning.
4) Brush your teeth while holding alternately on one leg.
5) When making coffee, washing dishes or preparing food,
 try to stretch the leg behind you 5 times (per leg), remaining in balance (like a dancer).
6) Use only skim milk to make coffee or make yourself a cappuccino. Alternatively, light vegetable milk without sugar.
7) Use only skimmed dairy products, with 0% or maximum 2% fat instead of cheese.
8) When in a car or sitting, squeeze your glutes for 10 seconds,
 and repeat this movement 15 times a day.
9) Make two snacks a day based on 100 grams of fruit of your choice, eliminating snacks and biscuits.
10) At home or when you can, use comfortable clothes:
 they make it easier to move around and are less stressful.
11) Take a five-minute “active” break every hour that you are sitting: doing 20-25 bodyweight squats (i.e. you bend over your legs as if you wanted to sit, then get up and repeat)
12) Avoid any drinks with added sugars
13) Walk every time you talk on the phone.
14) Eat a slice of wholemeal or rye bread
 instead of your usual sandwich or pack of crackers.
15) Prefer pears and apples in your daily fruit portions instead of grapes, bananas, persimmons, figs.
16) Instead of writing emails or messages on fb,
 call the people concerned or talk to us in person.
17) Do 10 pushups a day.
18) Raise yourself with your arms on the table,
 keeping yourself on tiptoe, 10 times a day.
19) Do ten reps of abdominals a day.
20) Walk your groceries or when you have your groceries on the landing, take the stairs.
21) Stand up on your toes 50 times a day.
22) Use fresh tomato sauce or apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
 instead of mayonnaise, oil, cream.
23) When shopping, try on a lot of clothes,
 even without buying them.
24) At the fast food or pizzeria, order the children’s portion.
25) Each time you stand, lift yourself up on your toes or flex your legs and arms.

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