5 methods for fatigue-free weight loss according to Dr. Fung

5 methods for fatigue-free weight loss according to Dr. Fung

For the uninitiated, Dr. Jason Fung is one of the leading exponents of intermittent fasting and the idea of ​​being able to lose weight without effort.

His idea of ​​a 2 days a week total fasting fat burning protocol , and his many tips on how to increase life expectancy thanks to calorie restriction.

Jason Fung is in fact a nephrologist, who for years has been carrying out scientific research on intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet to lose weight and defeat certain diseases such as diabetes. He is the author or co-author of numerous scientific studies on this subject, so much so that he is one of the most authoritative voices in this regard.

And today with a new book , released just in these days, Jason Fung reveals 5 methods to lose weight without effort.

After the book “The weight loss code” I mentioned here , Fung publishes a dedicated recipe book, in which he explains in practical terms what to eat to lose weight without fatigue. According to him, with these 5 tips, weight stops being a problem forever.

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