You can reduce hunger with these special receptors

You can reduce hunger with these special receptors

You can reduce hunger, lose weight and eat less by acting on the satiety hormones produced by the hypothalamus : how? By activating tannicites, a particular type of cells that act as special sensory receptors (or chemoreceptors) in the nervous system. According to recent studies, including one from 2017, tannicites regulate the functions of the hypothalamus, and therefore play a role in the regulation of hunger and satiety hormones: experts at the University of Warwick say that these tannicites would control, in words poor appetite and would be able to reduce hunger and body weight. How? By taking action if we take a series of foods which they would recognize the amino acids arginine and lysine, as well as alpha lipoic acid,communicating with the hypothalamus to release the sense of satiety. This activation would come through the same umami taste receptors .  Yes, ok, that said it’s not clear.

Summary: By eating certain foods, namely those rich in arginine, alpha lipoic acid and lysine,  some of our taste buds would send a signal to the hypothalamus , which would be activated through receptors known as tannicites. Which would give the brain the information that we are full. How? These tannicites would be responsible for the release / transport of hunger and satiety hormones.
Now: the “involved” taste buds would be the same ones that indicate the umami taste, or fifth taste, which is for example the taste of soy sauce and Parmesan cheese, and partly those of the sweet taste.

What it means in practical terms: that eating foods rich in arginine, lysine and alpha lipoic acid helps reduce hunger, increases insulin sensitivity and reduces body weight.
What are these foods that make us reduce hunger naturally?
Here is a list of the foods that contain the most.
FOODS RICH IN ARGININE: soy, pumpkin seeds, soy protein isolate, egg whites, lupins, cod, nuts, lake fish.
FOODS RICH IN LYSINE: soy, cod, parmesan, eggs, egg whites, pork belly, almonds, sturgeon, veal, lake fish.
FOODS RICH IN ALPHA LIPOIC ACID:red meat, spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, salads, brown rice and bran. But supplementation is recommended, because the body absorbs it with difficulty.

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