Women’s diet and men’s diet: different?

Women’s diet and men’s diet: different?

According to recent studies , the female diet and the male diet should be diversified not only from a caloric point of view (men need more calories on average than women, having, on average, a higher metabolism), but precisely qualitative. In short, the female diet and the male diet would differ from a nutritional point of view. 

That’s how.
Female diet:
– Less refined foods : women are more sensitive to the depletion of refined foods and excess sugars, therefore to the glycemic load of certain foods. Therefore more than men, they must eat whole. Or eat more fruits and vegetables if they prefer white foods. In fact, the consumption of fiber must not be excessive, and must not exceed 25/30 grams per day.

In general, therefore, the difference in calories between men and women must be for the most part in carbohydrates (for the other in proteins) : women must eat less, but without reaching imbalances as in the case of eternal low-carb. . However, there should not be any rewards even by eating foods with a high glycemic index : there is a greater risk of depression and anxious hunger. And, surprise surprise, meals that are too fat are also contraindicated , because women digest them more difficult. – More calcium and iron

: women need more dairy products and cheeses than men, so it is better not to “cut” these categories of foods with the intent of losing weight. After menopause, in addition to foods rich in calcium, it is necessary to introduce more foods containing phytoestrogens into the diet, such as legumes, seeds, grains and in particular soy products. Same thing for foods rich in iron, which must never be missing: a good steak every now and then, but also broccoli, green leafy vegetables, muesli, lentils.

– Fewer drastic cuts: More and more women are suffering from thyroid, an often silent condition, and problems associated with fertility. Maximum attention to the nutritional intake of the foods that are put on the plate , more natural diet and fewer drastic diets are fundamental aspects of a diet that supports women’s health. This is because we are already at a disadvantage with a slower and more ferocious metabolism than boys: making the situation worse by doing too many crash diets is not a great move.

– Yes to breakfast: it seems that women should not skip the first meal. Eating in the morning promotes peristaltic movements, and women are more prone to constipation than men.  Having breakfast, perhaps with the right amount of “viscous fibers” (oats, legumes, linseed and chia) helps.
Let’s now see how the male diet should be set up.

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