Why do I have a slow metabolism? Read here
Why do I have a slow metabolism? Is it bad luck? What can I do to increase it?
These are just some of the questions that many readers usually ask me. In some cases, they already start by saying that they have a slow metabolism as if it were a distinctive trait of their character or a doomed destiny: but no.
Apart from some specific diseases that cause slow metabolism, such as some metabolic syndromes or thyroid problems, to the question “why do I have a slow metabolism?” you can always find an answer that can solve most problems.
In this article we see some things that lead you to have a slow metabolism , therefore with a tendency to gain weight, have problems with digestion, sleep, mood, swelling and water retention, and so on. You can find in this study all the signs of a slow metabolism.
- Because you have little lean mass.
Lean mass and a good metabolism are related.
If you have a slow metabolism, it is difficult to improve even in physical activity and every time you start a diet, it is the lean mass that is most penalized. At the same time, it is difficult to find a person with low lean body mass and a high metabolism. So there is a correlation between the two.
To have good lean mass or not to reduce it further, proper nutrition and training go hand in hand.
Proper nutrition means both eating an adequate number of calories (the less calories you consume the more your metabolism slows down) and getting the macro micronutrients that support our body adequately from food.
For those who want to lose weight there are two tips.Avoid crash diets.
One cannot think of maintaining a muscle mass with one thousand or one thousand and two hundred calories. Especially if you are sedentary and if this dietary time is not cycled, I mean that you have been on a diet for months, maybe. At the same time, you need to eat carbohydrates, proteins and fats, without cutting out any of these macronutrients.
Do little but good physical activity.
Strength training generally allows us to maintain lean mass over time. This means working out with weights, elastic bands, or other resistance, at least three times a week. If you have a slow metabolism I do not recommend running, treadmill, exercise bike for hours and hours. One hour of weightlifting activity three times a week is enough to avoid losing more lean mass.
- Because you have bad habits.
There are some things that contribute to a slow metabolism.
Sleep little, get a lot of stress, live in dark environments or with artificial blue light, such as neon light, spend a lot of time at the PC, smoke or drink alcohol, take many industrial products with an excess of additives or artificial substances. All of these things interfere with your metabolism, disturb your body and how it uses energy.
These are things that need to be resolved.
Reduce unnecessary sources of stress, even arguments, shopping trips, try to make your life as easy as possible. Try to sleep more, avoiding staying awake with your pc and television on or with your cell phone beside you. Keep warm lights in the house and try to take care of the lighting of the environment in which you live. Have a more natural diet. - Because you lack micronutrients.
Football for example. If you don’t get enough calcium, your metabolism is unlikely to function properly. I think it is a big mistake to exclude, for example, cheese and dairy products or milk from the diet. Here I explain why .
Even the B vitamins are for example crucial to have a good metabolism: I’ll explain it here. - Why don’t you balance the macronutrients.
Each meal must have carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This is a great way to avoid both high blood sugar spikes and, conversely, to prevent too high insulin from causing you to hypoglycemia, resulting in more hunger afterwards. So avoid protein-only meals with a little vegetable and stop. Or the pasta dish with a little sauce and stop.
Try the single dish instead.
Here you will find the single-dish diet and here the rules of the ideal dish.
Before you get discouraged and ask yourself again “why do I have a slow metabolism?” try these 4 tips to improve your health and consequently your metabolism. You will find that many problems that you thought were unsolvable can be fixed by working in this direction!
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