Which cleanser to prefer for intimate hygiene

Which cleanser to prefer for intimate hygiene

Choosing the right intimate cleanser is not easy, some suggestions to orient us in the jungle of products and the advice is to enter the herbalist’s shop!

Which cleanser to prefer for intimate hygiene

Cleansers for intimate hygiene have always been products that are part of our monthly shopping basket, but do we know exactly what they contain and above all do we know how to choose the best solution for such sensitive areas?

There are various types of industrial preparations, generally enriched with some natural ingredient that is the most popular and that attracts our attention, such as mallow , calendula , tea tree .

So let’s try to better understand what can be indicated for cleansing the mucous membranes.

The Intimate Cleanser and the pH

The first aspect to consider is the respect of the pH of the part . Acidity of the skin is a protective factor against external infections.

In fact, our skin is structured to know how to defend itself from pathogens . If we clean it with aggressive substances that do not respect its pH, we are depleting it and exposing it to risk factors.

Considering that we are talking about private parts, occluded by clothes, in a basically humid environment it is essential to be careful and choose the correct intimate cleanser , which has a pH around 4.

The cleansing action

We are all looking for an intimate product that carries out a delicate but effective and protective cleansing action , also because we use it daily, in certain periods even several times a day.

We are looking for cleansers that contain sweet almond oil or coconut oil, with cleansing, moisturizing and disinfectant properties.

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The emollient action

The intimate cleanser must guarantee an emollient action , in case of inflammation, irritation, even simply by rubbing.

Active ingredients that respond to this type of request are mucilaginous remedies such as mallow, plantain , Icelandic lichen. 

Also enriched with vitamins E and A , they ensure hydration, defense of the mucous membranes, absorb excess moisture and make the product easily applicable and spreadable directly on the part.

The Refreshing Action

Another aspect that guides our choice in the product for intimate hygiene is the refreshing action.

In many products we find an active blend of essential oils such as bergamot , sweet and bitter orange , cedar wood and tea tree, with an antibacterial, antifungal action, which must be conveyed in an oil such as that of sweet almonds or castor which respect the pH of the skin with cleansing.

The final tip? Enter the herbalist’s shop and get the best advice !!!

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