When and why to use magnetotherapy

When and why to use magnetotherapy

What is magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy is a particular treatment methodology particularly used in alternative medicine for curative and rehabilitative purposes . It is based on the principle according to which the exposure of certain areas of the body to magnetic fields can solve problems of various kinds .

Numerous studies have shown how magnetotherapy, also called electromagnetotherapy , can restore the right magnetic charge in the cells of the body . The analyzes made start from the concept that each cell has an electrical potential (membrane potential). This, following a trauma, parapathological afflictions and pathologies of any nature whatsoever subsides

Precisely in this case the magnetotherapy acts which re-establishes the original electric potential of the cells , therefore their biochemical balance , thus restoring the correct functionality of the cell membrane . More generally, a repolarization of the membrane occurs which results in the re-stabilization of the energy balance.

The magnetic waves used are non-ionizing type, that is, they are not absorbed by tissues or organs but affect them through a biophysical action.

The types of magnetotherapy

It is wrong to think that this kind of therapy has only one modality of application. In fact, over the years, with experience and study, medical experts have been able to identify different forms of use of the magnetic field frequency. 

In fact, there are 3 main types of treatment with magnetotherapy:

  • Static magnetotherapy : this type is based on the fact that a damaged cell has also undergone an alteration in the membrane potential due to a modification of the ion flux, i.e. an alteration of the difference in the electrical potential that exists between the cytoplasmic area (charges negative) and extracellular (positive charges). Thanks to the use of magnetic fields through the application of special magnets in the area to be treated, therefore, the membrane potential would be restored to standard values, i.e. from -40mV to -80mV.
  • Low-frequency magnetotherapy : this type is based on the fact that the application of a particular instrument very similar to a spiral, created with a conductive material and called a solenoid, is able to exercise a sort of cellular micro-massage capable of assisting the expulsion of metabolic residues. This type, therefore, would be more effective if used on tissues rich in liquids (with water retention). It is defined at low frequency for the use of waves with an intensity between 5 and 100 Hertz.
  • High frequency magnetotherapy : this type is more commonly known also by the name of radio frequency magnetotherapy and is based on the fact that the application of radio waves would improve cellular immunity thus restoring the right balance.

Furthermore, high-frequency magnetotherapy would have a fluidized action on the blood thus managing to activate or stimulate circulation. This would be particularly suitable for soothing muscle inflammation and more. Furthermore, this therapy would be able to re-establish the correct polarization of the cell membrane and consequently overcome the state of depolarization. It is defined as high frequency for the use of broad spectrum radio waves at an intensity between 18 and 900 MHz. 

What is the main use of magnetotherapy?

Magnetotherapy , as previously mentioned, essentially works on the electrochemical balance of the cell by regulating it and restoring the permeability of the membrane. For this reason, the aforementioned practice is often used for the treatment of muscle and joint disorders or bone or tissue diseases . When muscle inflammation is present, important anomalies in the magnetic fields can be detected. Magnetotherapy can therefore be useful to restore balance. Specifically, the magnets used deliver a magnetic field of 2000/2500 Gauss. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the magnets of the appropriate size will be chosen. 

Does magnetotherapy have any contraindications?

Although this therapy does not present particular contraindications, it is not appropriate to use it for children, pregnant women, patients with diabetes, people with heart disease or pacemaker wearers, people with cancer, people with arrhythmias, epileptics and affected people from infections. It should be emphasized that the exclusion of these categories is not due to side effects that can be found directly from magnetic therapy, but from the caution that the manufacturers of the devices must have to protect themselves against possible accidents or risks to which subjects affected by certain pathologies.

The equipment used in magnetotherapy

The equipment used in magnetotherapy treatments consists of a computerized console (which generates the energy to be infused), two main magnets and the connection cables. The energy passes through the cables and reaches the magnets thus creating a magnetic field. From the console, the therapist modifies the frequency of the field to act on the affected area of ​​the body. The magnets appear as rectangular plates and have a velcro strip on one side. The latter allow you to apply them on bands that serve as bandages in the area to be treated. There are various bands depending on the anatomical part subjected to the magnetotherapy treatment.

To take advantage of this therapy even independently at home, it is possible to rent the magnetotherapy device .

How the sessions take place and how long they last

It is important to remember that magnetotherapy must be carried out by professionals or on specific indications from them. 
The sessions , in fact, generally begin with an interview with the patient who must describe to the therapist the pain symptoms he perceives and try to localize them. Subsequently, the specialist will ascertain the condition and will indicate how the therapy will take place or will indicate precisely how the patient will be able to carry out the treatment. The information provided by the patient to the therapist is essential
since the latter, by inserting them into the computerized console, obtains information on the strength of the magnetic field to be applied. The next step it will take is to place the magnets on the inflamed muscle and operate the equipment. The magnets will release electromagnetic fluxes intermittently for a time of 30/35 minutes. While placing the magnets, the patient will not feel any pain. According to specialists, a complete treatment for the treatment of muscle inflammation should include approximately 30 sessions. When and why to use magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy is often used for the treatment of joint, rheumatic and inflammatory disorders . In fact, it is often used for the treatment of: • pressure ulcers, • post-operative or chronic pain, • sprain, • epicondylitis (also called tennis elbow), • osteoporosis, slowing down the process of decrease in bone density;

• tingling and carpal tunnel (nerve compression that causes discomfort and pain in the wrist and hand area), • edema (accumulation of fluids in the tissues), • veins varicose (it is a pathological dilation of the vein caused by increased pressure, thrombosis or insufficiency of the valves), • bruises, • Sudek’s atrophy (syndrome found following the removal of the orthopedic plaster), • diabetic foot (also called neuropathic foot, is a chronic complication of diabetes that compromises the function and / or structure of the foot

• rheumatic diseases (commonly called rheumatism are disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues. They can affect joints, bones, tissues, organs and tendons), • herniated disc (rupture of the intervertebral disc from which it derives its dislocation and core or parts of it leaking out), • muscle pain, • low back pain (more commonly known as back pain, affects the muscles and bones of the back), • neuralgia (pathology of the nerve which can be damaged and can affect any nerve of the bod

• arthrosis (also called osteoarthritis is a disorder that affects the joints resulting in the loss of joint cartilage replaced by new bone), • arthritis (inflammation of one or more joints). As can be seen from this list, the use of magnets is effective on problems of different nature that affect very different areas. In fact, the action of magnetic fields is aimed directly at the cells. Therefore, being the human body completely composed of them, it certainly benefits from them. More generally, it is possible to say that subjecting certain areas to a magnetic field, in the event that there are traumas or pathologies, allows for an effective benefit.

Why use magnetotherapy

The use of magnetotherapy for therapeutic purposes, unlike traditional treatments, has several advantages.

First of all, it is important to consider that therapy based on electromagnetic fields does not involve side effects. In fact, it has been shown by several studies that it does not poison the body and is safe and non-invasive

A subject who undergoes magnetotherapy will not experience discomfort or pain in the area treated by the magnets.

Among the numerous benefits that can be found with the use of magnetotherapy it is good to consider the effect it has on the body. In fact, it is able to improve the metabolism of the skin, which results in an anti-aging action of the tissues.

In the same context, numerous studies have shown how the use of magnets on the skin allows to accelerate the healing process of wounds, sores and facilitate the healing of soft tissues. Furthermore, it is able to stimulate the calcification of the tissues, reducing the time and increases the resistance and bone mineralization.\

Magnetotherapy, among the numerous benefits, also includes an action on the circulatory system. In fact, it increases vascularity and blood flow rate. The result is an evident improvement in peripheral circulation. Finally, it has been shown that the placement of magnets in certain areas of the body can be particularly useful as an anti-inflammatory or pain reliever.

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