What is ghee? Here are the benefits of this special butter

What is ghee? Here are the benefits of this special butter

What is ghee? It is a type of clarified butter very present in oriental cuisine, especially Indian, which in recent years has also conquered the western market for its benefits.

Despite having more calories than traditional butter and reaching the same calories in olive oil (about ninety calories per ten grams), ghee is a concentrated butter that can also be kept at room temperature until it is used. In this article we see all the benefits of ghee and why to include it in our diet.


Ghee , or ghee , originally from India, is a type of clarified butter with a very solid consistency and an intense yellow appearance. It can be used in the kitchen for both sweet and savory dishes. It is obtained by cooking the butter, which is boiled and then deprived of its aqueous part by filtration. It has almost zero lactose, and a high content of vitamin D, more than regular butter.
It is a food rich in short-chain fatty acids, including stearic acid, a type of fatty acid that is very important for digestion and a healthy bacterial flora.

In fact, ghee is an ideal type of butter to aid digestion by boosting metabolism. In all people who suffer from irritable colon, colitis, swollen belly, replacing other condiments with ghee helps to better assimilate nutrients, to tolerate fibers more easily and to deflate the belly, ensuring proper intestinal regularity. Finally, its content of butyric acid makes it a real superfood. In fact, butyric acid increases metabolism and reduces the inflammatory state of the body.
I recommend it especially for seasoning vegetables, tossing them in a pan with a teaspoon or a spoonful of ghee.
Its anti-inflammatory, metabolic and intestinal regulating properties have made it a cornerstone of the Ayurvedic tradition.

Unlike butter, ghee can also be used for high-heat cooking or frying.
It has a high smoke point, which is over 190/200 °.

My favorite brand of ghee is Khanum, which is great value for money, and you can find it on Amazon as Khanum Butter Ghee, 1000g or in oriental or Indian specialty stores. In organic food stores it is often present, but at a higher price.
For those looking for a higher quality product, the quality in the case of ghee depends on its preparation. The better the preparation, the more the ghee can be preserved for a long time, even for years, without losing its properties.

Another important aspect is the origin of the milk from which the butter is obtained, which is then clarified. On the market you can find certified ghee from milk coming from grazing cows. Or added to turmeric, ginger and other spices.

In addition to vitamin D, fat-soluble vitamins A, K and E are also present in ghee.

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