What are natural muscle relaxants?

What are natural muscle relaxants?

Natural muscle relaxants are particularly suitable when the disorder is chronic in nature, since they do not present particular contraindications and can be alternated with each other or used in synergy. They are constituent elements of ointments and ointments but also of remedies for internal use.

which-are-the-natural-muscle relaxants

  • What are natural muscle relaxants
  • What are natural muscle relaxants for
  • When to take natural muscle relaxants
  • The main natural muscle relaxants: chamomile
  • The main natural muscle relaxants: hemp
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  • The main natural muscle relaxants: chilli
  • Contraindications of natural muscle relaxants
  • Side effects of natural muscle relaxants

What are muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants are remedies to relax the muscles . They can act on nerve transmission to inhibit the painful message, or act as an anti-spasm. 


There are natural muscle relaxants that are very effective and useful in case of chronic problems , which require prolonged intake over time, even for life, for which the continuous intake of a drug could lead to unpleasant side effects in the long term.


What are natural muscle relaxants for

Muscle relaxants are used to counteract contracture spasms , intermittent pains from both muscular and visceral stiffening. They act on the muscles and can be applied topically and absorbed trans dermally, or taken for internal use, even through relaxing herbal teas .


Useful for athletes , for people suffering from chronic diseases , but also in case of acute extemporaneous pain.


When to take natural muscle relaxants

In case of fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, back pain, neck pain , spasms of the pelvic floor, intestinal spasms, simple muscle cramps, natural muscle relaxants can be integrated with the administration of muscle relaxants, to activate remission in a shorter time, to reduce the chemical dosage if possible, to limit addiction phenomena.


The main natural muscle relaxants

Let’s see some of the most effective natural remedies so as to choose the most suitable natural muscle relaxant, whether for topical or internal use.

The main natural muscle relaxants: chamomile

Chamomile is known  to all, often taken to calm the central nervous system , to help fall asleep. Perhaps not everyone knows that it is also very useful in case of contractions and spasms of the muscles.


Rich in essential oils, flavonoids , coumarins, it has an anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and sedative action. It works very well in case of headaches , especially those caused by poor digestion, abdominal and pelvic pain.


The infusion  is its best use, also because it can be enriched with other remedies for a synergistic action.


The main natural muscle relaxants: hemp

The much disputed cannabis sativa contains cannabidiol , the principle of interest for its powerful muscle relaxant actions.
Cannabidiol is the inactive metabolite of the plant extracted mainly from the flower. Cannabidiol, or CBD,  has no psychotropic effects , which is why it is allowed as a legal remedy. It is used as a spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.


Useful in particularly painful and disabling syndromes such as Parkinson’s disease, Chron’s disease. It is also enjoying good results for widespread but little known diseases such as fibromyalgia .

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