Vitamins of group B: 5 ways to avoid deficiency

Vitamins of group B: 5 ways to avoid deficiency

B vitamins , in particular thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin and / or niacinamide (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 are all very important for our health. And now I’ll explain why.

Although the B vitamins do not all have the same function, they all participate in different energy mechanisms at the cell level: this occurs on many levels, acting both on our energy and on digestion, on muscle mass, on the nervous system. Some act on the nervous and cardiovascular systems and improve energy metabolism (such as B1), others enhance glucose metabolism, allowing us to burn more and thus perfecting the conversion of glucose into Atp. Others are important for regulating specific functions, such as the use of certain amino acids or important minerals such as iron.

Interested in bio-nutrition, I solved some cases where people with insomnia and fatigue or slow metabolism problems who spent money on thousands of useless remedies simply needed one particular B vitamin, which it turned out they were deficient. The results were : greater energy, circadian rhythms completely restored, greater humoral stability.

In fact, deficiency of B vitamins is not uncommon. Vitamins B are a group of water-soluble vitamins, so it is important to take them daily. And unfortunately, stress, cigarette smoking, alcohol, the pill in women, the wrong supplements, the use and abuse of stimulants or certain drugs lead to a loss of these vitamins.
The multivitamin is often not the smartest solution. One because synthetic vitamins do not have the same bioavailability as those we introduce naturally with food, two because the dosages are often exaggerated.

Finally, because building a good, supportive eating pattern is the best way to avoid this and other deficiencies. On page two we see some foods that can help those with a deficiency of B vitamins.

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