Very high lymphocytes: causes and definitive remedies

When we are dealing with white blood cells we always talk about our defense, our army.
And if we are talking about white blood cells we cannot fail to speak of lymphocytes which are the killers of our organism. This because? Because thanks to the lymphocytes we are able to find our pathogen and fight the threat that at that moment makes us feel bad.
But what if the lymphocytes are very high ?
In that case we are talking about lymphocytosis but the causes of this condition cannot be controlled with a simple blood count. In fact, a consultation with a doctor is needed.
Our body, and we have understood this, is a perfect machine and as such is subject to certain mechanisms that we do not even know well but that our cells know very well.
In fact, we have a series of barriers, starting from our epidermis or the mucous membranes of the nose that allow us to make a first defense against external agents that can affect our body.
On the other hand, even a very small cold is something that our body fights with our antibodies.
We always remember, in fact, that there is not a day of our life in which our body, from the inside, fights something that, both inside and outside, wants to undermine our balance.
For this reason it is always good to know how certain things work, also learning to understand which of these symptoms, even very small, should make us think about something else.
A small example that, in my opinion, allows us to understand what we are going to talk about is that of a sentinel lymph node which, usually, is activated at the first infection.
A bite from an insect to which we are allergic, even to a small extent, a cold that is making us suffer a little and go on a sentinel because each of us has an army of fighters who try to keep us healthy.
Now let’s see step by step what lymphocytes are and what this disease entails.
What are lymphocytes
Index Article
T lymphocytes
When we talk about T lymphocytes we are talking about a class of white blood cells.
White blood cells, which are also called leukocytes , are cells that serve to defend us against foreign bodies, pathogenic microorganisms, neoplastic cells and various types of antigens.
White blood cells can be:
- granulocytes
- monocytes
- lymphocytes
Those T are so named for a receptor that is on the surface and is called TRC or T cell receptor. These lymphocytes, like B lymphocytes, are produced by the bone marrow and then mature and migrate to the thymus. These lymphocytes found in the thymus have a short duration: in fact they live about one or two days.
However, if there is a foreign substance involved these small lymphocytes become large lymphocytes, called plasma cells that make the antigen inactive by secreting the right antibody at that moment.
The large lymphocytes enter the mechanism of mitosis that creates many lymphocytes, many, and each of them has a memory of the antigen that stimulated their intervention and their growth. This is very important in the event of a second attack of the same gene because the cells already know what to do. These lymphocytes, in fact, are also called memory cells and are found in the spleen and lymph nodes.
These T lymph nodes, therefore, immediately activate the immune response to neutralize infections, viruses and bacteria and are divided into various subgroups:
- TH lymphocytes serve to create antibodies
- TS lymphocytes neutralize cells that are harmful to the body
However, in order to be activated, T lymphocytes seek direct contact with the cell that carries the antigen with it.
If the T cell encounters a pure antigen, however, it does not activate. To activate the lymphocyte there must be some sort of recognition thanks to the histocompatibility of the MHC protein .
This histocompatibility is the basis of all immunological processes, in fact it is also very important in cases of organ transplants and their rejection.
This protein differs from person to person and is therefore highly variable.
T lymphocytes recognize these proteins as enemies and for this they need anti-rejection drugs.
The mechanisms that are put in place by the body are:
- innate immunity which is the first defense against microbes. They are the skin and mucous membranes, for example, which serve to prevent the external organism from entering the body. This type of immunity also enhances the other type of immunity, which we will now discuss.
- adaptive immunity which is a defensive strategy that develops more slowly than the first immunity and is the work of lymphocytes and lymphocyte products, ie antibodies .
The latter immunity can be either:
- blood immunity
- humoral immunity
T lymphocytes are receptors that recognize protein microbial antigens, so they specifically work and kill any infectious cell.
B lymphocytes
B lymphocytes are those that come from the liver and bone marrow.
Also in this case we have a powerful immune response, as in the case of T lymphocytes and then they migrate from their original positions to position themselves in other areas of the body such as the spleen and lymph nodes.
When the B lymphocyte is activated, it incorporates the foreign agent and calls to fight the T lymphocytes, a real army of snipers.
Causes of high lymphocytes: lymphocytosis
We therefore understood that there are different types of white blood cells and that they serve to protect us from various parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses.
In addition to the cells we have already talked about, we also mentioned natural killer cells which are specific and killer, in fact, like the other two.
But why do we discover at some point that we have a high number of lymphocytes? The most normal cause is a viral infection such as mononucleosis. Some bacterial infections , such as tuberculosis, can also cause our white blood cell count to increase. Even some cancers such as lymphoma or lymphatic leukemia can carry a high number of lymphocytes also due to the entry of lymphoblasts and lymphoma cells into the bloodstream.
Crohn’s and Graves’ disease can also increase the number of white blood cells in our blood . What is strange is that the increase in these blood cells does not cause noticeable symptomsbut it must be said that some symptoms, albeit minimal, such as a fever or a strong night sweat, a very sudden weight loss or chronic fatigue can be a sign of something wrong. If we have any suspicions, such as a strange fever of 37 for a week, we should have blood tests. When an increase in lymphocytes is detected then a blood sample must be checked under a microscope and see if they are activated by an infection or are immature as in tumors. If we also find out the type of lymphocyte it will be easier to find out what is the problem that triggered this reaction.
Having high lymphocytes, however, means that our immune system is fighting something and is active. Lymphocytosis is precisely the increase in white blood cells in the blood . This happens, in most cases, to fight a disease or infection.
Normal value should be around 1500 lymphocytes per microliter. If we have more than 3000 lymphocytes per microliter of blood, it means we have lymphocytosis. Be careful because in children the value changes, for example.
However, white blood cells are of various types:
- neutrophil granulocytes
- basophilic granulocytes
- eosinophilic granulocytes
- monocytes
- lymphocytes
The alteration of the normal values of the latter can cause more or less serious conditions. In fact, these lymphocytes are more or less between 20 and 40 percent of the leukocytes present in the body.
So it is certainly true that an alteration can be a simple symptom compared to an infection but it is always better to check what is happening to see that you are calmer and avoid more critical pathologies to be addressed.
We therefore understood the importance of a screening linked to a simple blood test, a routine test that should be done just to check the cholesterol level or if the other values are in the right place. But, in any case, even if we have said that there are not many symptoms to understand that there is some problem with our lymphocytes a little more trained eye is enough to understand that perhaps something is wrong. Attention, that is, to these symptoms that we will now try to list more fully to share with you every little alarm that we could take into consideration for a check, which is always a must, we have understood this by now.
The symptoms we have already talked about are:
- fever
- weight loss
- fatigue and also weakness
- night sweats
But we must also be careful about:
- enlarged lymph nodes
- belly fullness or pain (which can also be caused by an enlarged liver and spleen)
- burning when peeing
- joint or bone pain
- pale face, nails and lips
- migraine
- gum bleeding or frequent nosebleeds
- joint pains
- kidney failure
So we have a nice range of little red flags that can make us think it’s best to get a blood test. In fact, a diaphanous skin, very clear, could be a symptom of something wrong, as well as a gland in the neck that can become swollen due to an infection but can also be a symptom of something else. Frequent headaches or even pain in the belly are things that, probably, are not easily associated with having to undergo tests, but why not being able to control your body when you are not perfectly fit . Or even when we feel absolutely nothing, at least for prevention.
What can be the causes of this elevation we have understood a little but if we wanted to go specifically, as before, we would have a lot of thoughts that we can get to with a certain tranquility and also for more information which, in some cases, it is never too much.
So removed the temporary disease and what can be a leukemia I would say that we can go in order and start talking about the various causes:
- the first is certainly that of blood cancer that goes to ruin the marrow, polluting it, and which can become acute, myeloid, lymphatic or lymphoid leukemia. This disease leads to having many white blood cells in the blood and in this case it will be called monoclonal lymphocytosis because the lymphocytes all reproduce the same. Lymphomas, on the other hand, target the spleen or lymph nodes, thus lymphatic organs. And then we have myeloproliferative syndromes that start from a stem cell that has fallen ill
- some drugs also increase the production of leukocytes in the blood, such as some antibiotics for acne, heparin, and even some epileptic drugs
- infections, as we said. We can start from tuberculosis to get to mononucleosis, from colds to mumps, from influenza to cytomegalovirus, from rubella to herpes, to hepatitis C, that B, HIV and toxoplasmosis
- autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, vasculitis, hyperthyroidism can also increase white blood cells
- some stressful episodes are capable of forming more leukocytes in the blood, as well as severe physical trauma and severe dehydration
- those who have had their spleen removed or those with cancer, who suffer from whooping cough or Crohn’s or other chronic bowel diseases.
It is also very likely to have high white blood cells during pregnancy or during the menstrual cycle. A separate case for children who already have a lot more white blood cells and, therefore, we don’t have to think about terrible things right away.
A doctor’s opinion and some tests should be sought if we notice sudden beautiful weight loss, loss of appetite, bruises all over the body, paleness, weakness or fever.
Remedies and treatment
Since we need a doctor to talk about how to cure serious diseases, we can, however, try to increase our immune defenses with natural remedies.
It being understood that these are general advice and each case is independent, you can think of natural supplements .
We can, in fact, talk about:
- acerola: Central American plant that is full of Vitamin C. This plant also contains Vitamin A and B vitamins, flavonoids, minerals and more. These supplements are perfect for cooling and flu symptoms.
- astragalus: these are perennials that serve to prevent colds and flu. It has an immunostimulating property that stimulates the activity of B and T lymphocytes and therefore allows the body to better resist physical and mental stress
- echinacea: antioxidant and immunostimulant
- licorice root: cures some diseases
- rosehip: it is rich in vitamin C and therefore boosts the immune system
- shiitake: Chinese mushroom which is rich in beta-glucan and which boosts our defenses
- uncaria: climbing plant with immuno-modulating properties.
Immune defenses can also be strengthened with a good diet. Here are the foods that are right for you:
- garlic is perfect against bacteria, viruses and infections
- citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C which protects against free radicals, fights seasonal ailments, helps digestion and disinfects the body.
- 72 percent chocolate stimulates the production of infection-fighting T cells
- grains and fibers help the intestines
- fresh fruit is full of vitamins
- dried fruit contains selenium, zinc and copper. It is also rich in vitamin E of Omega3
- mushrooms are full of selenium and beta-glucan, so they boost the immune system
- the lactic ferments serve for the balance of the intestinal flora
- legumes help in the production of antibodies
- fish is essential for a healthy diet
- spices such as ginger, turmeric and cinnamon regulate the innate immune response
- green tea stimulates the formation of T lymphocytes
- Kefir is rich in calcium and vitamins of group B and K and is full of nutrients and probiotics
Doing daily physical activity also allows us to have a functioning immune system. Even just walking and promoting circulation allows the cells to move around the body to do their duty. .
Combining good nutrition with proper daily exercise can help keep you healthy and keep your immune system strong.
We must never exaggerate, in fact, as we have always said, but a few kilometers on foot, a bit of running, a swim or a few stretches on a bike improve both oxygenation and circulation and therefore make us healthier, more in form. There is nothing better to do to keep your body active and keeping it active also respects keeping the immune system active and, therefore, responding well to stimuli that come to us from inside and outside.
Obviously, a good circadian cycle of wakefulness and sleep also allows us to be less stressed and therefore not to stimulate the creation of many white blood cells if we do not need them.
Life, on the other hand, must be lived to the full, certainly, but we must always try to maintain a rhythm between the hours we stay awake and productive and the hours we fall asleep, in the sense that sleeping well makes us activate the metabolism and it makes us feel better healthier and better stressed. It would be advisable, in fact, to keep a daily diary of what we eat and how much we sleep to maintain, where possible, a constant rhythm that can allow us to stay healthier, more under control.
All we can do, in fact, beyond trying not to eat too much junk, not to drink too much alcohol, not to smoke is to eat healthy, if possible, exercise even half an hour a day and then sleep well. , sleep to rest.
Sometimes, in fact, even a wrong bed is enough, a pillow that is not for us, a mattress that is not right for what we need and everything is useless. Even if we sleep 8 hours a day it is possible that our body is not rested and that our metabolism has not worked at its best during the night. Waking up repeatedly during the night is also a symptom of a sleep that is not restorative and therefore does not allow us to really rest.
And if we are not really rested our body is weaker, the immune defenses do not work at their best, we do not produce as much as we would like, we are not concentrated and even a small cold is enough to weaken us.
So it is good to think about all aspects of life to make us live better and to ensure that our body responds better.
These are generic advice that we feel we can give to improve our life little by little but that does not mean that we must be our own doctors and we must treat serious diseases with a pinch of fruit. Our children also need to eat well, and so do we. Even our parents and grandparents but if we are faced with a serious illness then it is good to think that it is all in the hands of doctors and the care that doctors will give to the person in question.
If, on the other hand, we are subject to many infections, we are victims of perennial colds or something like that, you can think, very easily, of improving your lifestyle to make your body more active and more reactive, even in the case of a little ailment.
We have many little snipers in our bodies, our bodies are made to defend ourselves in case of illness. Sometimes, however, our body defends us too much and mutated lymphocytes can be a problem.
A blood test and a more in-depth examination of leukocytes are enough to understand what is wrong and from here to think about the treatment that is right for us. On the other hand, all we need is to control ourselves and give extra attention to small and large symptoms that we may have in some particular moment of our life. Sometimes an extra sweat or a little nosebleed is a sign that something is wrong. And all we need is to give us a hand in all possible ways, even starting with very simple things like an extra orange or a few almonds during the day. Are you doing something for your immune system? Have you taken a blood test lately? Especially if you have any symptoms, even stupid ones, never neglect them.
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