Vaginitis and candidiasis: what differences

Vaginitis and candidiasis: what differences

Vaginitis, candida, candidiasis: the terms are often confused, an inaccurate self-diagnosis is carried out and drugs are taken because the friend recommends them. The figure of the gynecologist is very important and ad hoc laboratory tests must be carried out in order to prepare the correct prophylaxis: in the meantime, let’s clarify the terms

Vaginitis and candidiasis: what differences

Gynecological problems are widespread and due to multiple causes: stress, fatigue, lowered immune defenses, nutrition, hormonal alterations, infections from unprotected sexual intercourse, antibiotics .

It is important to accurately diagnose the symptoms by the trusted gynecologist to activate the correct prophylaxis with specific drugs. In general we hear about vaginitis or candida and it often happens that we carry out self-tests on the basis of common symptoms such as vaginal discharge, burning, itching.

So let’s try to clarify these two terms and remember that in any case it must be a specialist who indicates the correct medicines.

Vaginitis or Vaginitis?

Well yes, in common usage we tend to simplify and enclose in a single term pathologies that instead have different characteristics by origin and consequently also by type of treatment and “vaginitis” is one of those cases, because in reality there are several types.

First of all, from the suffix of the term it is easy to understand that it is an inflammation of the vagina : the most common symptoms are burning , itching , sometimes with whitish discharge with an acrid smell.

But how many types of vaginitis are there?

  • Non-infectious vaginitis : it is an inflammation without bacterial formations , due to the use of detergent products with too aggressive pH. A non-infectious form of vaginitis can also occur after menopause, with estrogenic drop and subsequent vaginal dryness .
  • Bacterial vaginitis : it is an alteration of the bacterial flora of the vaginal mucus, which sees the prevalence of pathogenic microorganisms on local lactobacilli. The cause is generally to be found in promiscuous  unprotected sexual relations .
  • Parasitic vaginitis: it is a very serious form of vaginitis not to be underestimated , sexually transmitted, caused by Trichomonas Vaginalis . This parasitosis can extend from the vagina to the uterus and also reach the urinary tract.

We can therefore basically come to the conclusion that except for hormonal circumstances, vaginitis is an inflammation that can generate from various exogenous and environmental factors , often due to unprotected intercourse, it can become a serious pathology and to treat it an accurate diagnosis must be made with tests of laboratory.

Read also Vaginal trichomoniasis, symptoms, causes and remedies >>

Candidiasis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Vaginal candidiasis is a fungal vaginitis that attacks the mucous membranes, the fungus is Candida of which there are about 150 species: the most widespread is Candida Albicans .

Symptoms are itching, pain, redness, discharge, burning when urinating . Our body in various districts such as in the vaginal flora hosts this microorganism in the form of yeast and when it does not have pathogenic behaviors it is defined as ” commensal “, that is, it is hosted by the body without causing harm or benefits.

However, when our organism is subjected to pathological situations of a physical but also psychic nature for which an immunosuppressed environment is created , a weakening of the immune defenses, the diner transforms into an ” opportunistic ” microorganism, proliferates and becomes a pathogenic presence.

Candida can therefore colonize not only the vagina , but also the rectal area, the gastrointestinal tract, the skin, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and through the blood reach vital organs .

When we are in the presence of Candida or Candidiasis it is good to treat not only the specific symptom but to face a treatment based on medicines and natural remedies that stimulate the immune response, strengthen the body to also trigger self-healing. It can often happen that you develop Candida after antibiotic treatment.

We can therefore summarize that candidiasis is a manifestation by an endogenous yeast which in particular circumstances, due to a lowering of the immune defenses, turns into a pathogenic fungus and colonizes especially the mucous membranes.


Natural remedies for Candidiasis

As already pointed out, it is important that the diagnosis is made with laboratory tests and treatment with specific medicinal drugs is prescribed by a specialist.

However, we can combine some natural remedies that will also act as a preventive cure to avoid the recurrence of the problem.

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract : A natural antibiotic with powerful antibacterial efficacy to be taken on a full stomach. Useful for fighting helicobacter pylori, escherichia coli, candida albicans, it is indicated in case of cystitis , candida, infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Probiotics : we take probiotics to feed the intestinal flora and stimulate the immune system. These remedies will help our body to strengthen and counteract the pathogenic presence. They are indispensable if we have faced a treatment with antibiotic drugs and must become a “friendly” supplement to be taken in the changing seasons. We prefer probiiotics in spores that arrive unaltered in our intestine and develop more than 10 billion bacteria that are good for our health

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