These diet foods make you fat

These diet foods make you fat

There are some real false friends of the diet : we choose them believing we are losing weight or staying fit thanks to them, and, worse, they are now part of our healthy habits.

Here are the diet foods that instead of making us lose weight create opposite effects in our body: slowing down digestion and metabolism precisely because of additives, flavors, thickeners, preservatives and other chemical ingredients that only hurt us.

Here are which diet foods you absolutely must beware of


  1. Multigrain products and wholemeal products: pay attention to all those foods in which we find the words wholemeal or multigrain. It would be enough to read the labels carefully to discover that they are false integrals. Foods produced from flours added to bran, and which often have the worst of cereals combined with each other to give a semblance of healthy product , to which various sugars are added.No to multigrain biscuits and puffed cereal mixes, to snacks that have nothing wholemeal and to bread and focaccia made with cereal processing waste. Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , nutritionist and expert in conscious eating, calls these products “disguised biscuits”.
  2. Foods with sweeteners: those chemical and refined, even if without calories or with a lower glycemic index, are even worse than sugar. In fact, some studies have found that the consumption of artificial sweeteners is linked to a greater risk of metabolic diseases. True or yet to be verified, the more we consume sweeteners the more we get used to an excessive and constant sweet taste. Which recalls the desire for “real” sugar.
  3.  Light or fat free diet foods: it is better to prefer the natural product than the fat-free or light one. Salt, various additives such as carrageenan and even sugar are often added to remedy the lack of flavor of natural fat.
  4. Cibi dietetici senza uova o olio di palma: fateci caso. Si vietano le uova in molte ricette perché “hanno troppo colesterolo” per poi trovare in etichetta il doppio di olio e burro, il doppio di farina raffinata e tantissimo zucchero. Questo sia nel campo delle ricette fai da te che, ahimè, nei prodotti dietetici dove senza colesterolo e senza uova è diventato, leggendo le etichette, sinonimo di “più sale, più glutine, più frumento, più zucchero”.
    Stessa cosa per l’olio di palma: oggi va di moda sostituirlo con altri oli… sì, ma quali?
    Se non trovate la dicitura “olio di girasole alto oleico” o “olio di oliva” ma solo olio di girasole, olii vegetali, olio di colza, di soia, eccetera, lasciateli sullo scaffale.
  5. I prodotti ricchi di fibra: Altra moda che le aziende sfruttano per conquistare il consumatore. Dire che i prodotti sono ricchi di fibra, perciò salutari e dietetici rispetto ai prodotti tradizionali. Ma di che tipo di fibra si tratta? Anche qui, cruschetta, nei casi più fortunati una percentuale di inulina, pectine, gomme: il risultato è un prodotto pieno di fibre che possono danneggiare i villi intestinali e causare flatulenza.
  6. Meal replacements and sachets: we are talking about freeze-dried and chemically processed products, which have nothing of real food, and worse, our body does not recognize the right nutrients from these substances often rich in synthetic vitamins and minerals.
    With the result that we reduce the calories in one meal to be very hungry in the following ones. The liver becomes intoxicated, the intestines become irritated and health goes to bless.

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