The whole “No White at Night” diet
As you know (and if this is the first time you read me I will tell you now), I am against the demonization of food: sometimes I let myself be tempted, but it is enough to remind me of my eating disorders of the past to be more flexible and speak more flexibly power supply. The whole ” No White at Night ” diet , also known as ” Eat Nothing White ” (translated: “No white foods at night”, or “Do not eat anything white”), risks aiming at the easy demonization of foods, like all diets that recommend eating only whole food. In itself, eating whole is not a bad rule, quite the opposite.Eat more fiber, reduce the consumption of refined foods, the consumption of sugar, which in small doses is not to be demonized, but for a sedentary subject, reducing blood sugar can only do good, and above all it increases the sense of satiety, because between eating a plate of wholemeal pasta al dente and eating a plate of overcooked pasta, in terms of both satiety and glycemic response, there is a big difference.
However, the whole diet is not a low glycemic index diet, not necessarily : many whole foods have a high or medium glycemic load, and it all depends both on the type of cereal (more or less protein), and on the preparation of the product (more or less starchy, and what kind of starch). Brown rice has a slightly lower glycemic index than white rice, but even lower is basmati, which however is a white rice, at least looking at it. And in the same way whether the sugar is brown or white doesn’t make much difference. Always sugar is.
Furthermore, you need to think about the cooking times of a food: if you eat a plate of spaghetti al dente or you eat brown rice boiled too much, the plate of spaghetti al dente wins from a glycemic point of view. Overcooking whole grain cereals has no benefit. Wholemeal bread is similar to white bread in terms of glycemic index: therefore it must be eaten in moderation, regardless of color, if you tend to get fat and do not get up from the sofa. Therefore excluding foods based on their color is a short-sighted choice , and even harmful for many people who cannot digest a lot of fiber . It all depends on the bacterial composition of our intestine. The whole “No White at Night” diet says precisely this:
Yet it is a diet conceived by a doctor of the famous Mayo Clinic, Dr. Jon Ebert. For those wishing to try this food approach, the advantages are there, just do it with common sense. And on page two we see how.
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