The Snellax easy weight loss program

The Snellax easy weight loss program

It’s called Snellax, and I read it in preview for you: it is an easy and balanced weight loss program promoted by the company, conceived by a team of German specialists (including a certified nutritionist and coach), lasting 10 weeks and priced at 49 euros, often on offer at a lower price, for a package including diet, recipes, training and food replacement manual to change menus.
The Snellax slimming program impressed me so much that I wrote about it : initially when I saw the site I was skeptical. Many weight loss programs for fast weight loss are based on drastic diet regimens, and do not provide accurate information for long-term weight maintenance. Snellax, on the other hand, is proposed as a weight loss program that aims at food re-education, so after 10 weeks you understand how to eat in order not to regain the weight lost .

And above all, it is a balanced weight loss program that does not involve the purchase of supplements or particular foods, which is not drastic and does not eliminate any food, but rather, it gives small bonuses to allow us to include the foods we like in the plan. The best thing about it is its extreme simplicity. There is no need to dose foods or count calories. In fact, Snellax teaches how to regulate with portions with a very intuitive system for not weighing food: the foods are divided into macro-categories and in the program you understand how many portions to eat in a day by category. In this way you can range with food and make the recipes we prefer in an intuitive way. Let’s see in summary what the Snellax slimming package offers.

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