The Saggese diet for intestinal detoxification

The Saggese diet for intestinal detoxification

Dr. Saggio Saggese’s diet is a widely used protocol among alternative medicine professionals. It is an intestinal detoxification diet that for a series of reasons that I will now list, can be really useful in people who have problems of an intestinal nature, from irritable bowel to intestinal malabsorption or leaky gut syndrome.

These are the reasons why I propose the Saggese diet to my readers.

  1. It is a diet that provides natural integration, thanks to the use of some foods that have particular nutritional properties, and herbal teas that promote both liver, kidney and intestinal purification.
  2.  It is a very simple protocol to follow that can be continued for a period of 30 to 60 days and which proves to be very effective for deflating the belly, restoring proper regularity, detoxifying the liver, skin and other excretory organs, stimulating them to greater functionality. . In many cases there is also a noticeable weight loss, the result of the resolution of intestinal inflammation.
  3. Among many “stoned” but trendy detox diets, the Saggese diet is a complete diet from the point of view of nutrients, which has no contraindications, but limits fats and some foods that contain carbohydrates. Saggio Saggese was a doctor, and it is a pity that his protocol is not widespread despite his benefits.
  4. It is a diet that focuses on the seasonality of food and reduces intestinal fermentation.
  5. In italics my advice to follow it better.
    Now let’s see the plan of the Saggese diet and the herbal tea options that we can use, choosing those most suitable for our health problems.
  6. I always recommend that you submit the diet to your doctor before starting it.

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