The most popular diets for the summer and how to do the

The most popular diets for the summer and how to do the


About 8 out of 10 Italians go on a diet in the summer: a high average, where the choice is preferably on drastic diets to lose weight. After a premise in which I explain what I think about this trend, let’s see which are the most popular diets for the summer. Which ones work and how.


A diet works if we follow it well. And if of course we don’t abandon it.
That said, even when we need to lose weight fast for the summer we need to take two things into account. If that diet is right for us and especially if it includes a maintenance plan. If there is no maintenance plan, you will get fat on interest as soon as you finish it. So don’t stop at choosing your diet in anticipation of the pounds to lose, but in anticipation of the aftermath. Nobody wants to lose 8 kilos a month in July and then lose 12 kilos in August, right?


Also very often when looking for a diet for the summer you make another big mistake: you try it after hearing about it only on one source. Little to risk an experiment on oneself, especially if we don’t know some rules that can guarantee us success. And that instead we do not follow. So there is also the possibility that the chosen diet will not work simply because as I said at the beginning we did not follow it well.
Below are the main mistakes people make when choosing a quick diet for the summer.


Don’t consider calories

A deadly myth is that if you are on a low carb diet, you don’t need to count calories. Which is not true.
If the low-carb diet is not done by cutting calories it only makes us lose water, in short. As soon as normal eating is resumed, the body recovers water to manage carbohydrates, thus converting them into glycogen. This explains why those who follow a low carb without counting calories gain weight. In fact, he never really lost it.
Obviously the same problem if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Animal proteins do not cause overweight.
If anything, eliminating or reducing many products of animal origin also reduces the fats naturally contained in them.
And this is ok if, however, we do not take too many nuts, almonds, oil seeds, otherwise it is like removing fats on one side and introducing them on the other.
So those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet to lose weight must necessarily also consider calories.
The ethical choice is one thing, the dietary choice is another.
Finally, this error is also found in diets with intermittent fasting .
The problem is that if you don’t eat some hours of the day but eat a lot more in others, the result is that you don’t lose weight at all. Many people compensate on days off or during the hours they can feed themselves.
The result is that after a lot of effort they lose one kilo a month.

Don’t customize your diet.

If I were to earn one euro for all the people who fail to do the ketogenic diet, eat too much protein or not cut down on carbohydrates adequately, I believe I would now live permanently in the Maldives.
Each dietary approach must be personalized. If you choose a ketogenic diet, for example, you need to know how many grams of protein to eat per kilo of body weight and how many net carbohydrates to consume in total. Or get yourself followed by a nutritionist who also does this type of diet.
If you don’t know these basic things and want to do it yourself, the ketogenic diet is not for you.
The most popular diets work only for those who know how to follow them, or for those who have the basic knowledge to understand how many carbohydrates, proteins and fats to eat for their body and their energy needs.
Of one person who relies on a nutritionist or knows how to personalize their diet on their own, a hundred do not know how to do it.

Because we’ve done a hundred other diets before.

If you are on a low calorie diet for five months in a row you will not lose only three kilos.
Something is wrong: either the diet was not really low calorie or it was not followed for five months in a row or it is yet another diet you have been on.

Many people feel they are on a diet even if they are not on a diet. They limit themselves for a while, then they stop, then they go back to that or another diet: obviously you won’t get results! Not to mention those who are chronically on a diet. If you don’t already eat for your energy needs as a rule and haven’t seen results, maybe it’s time to take a break and go back to the calories you should be eating, perhaps moving more.
If you’ve been on a 1200 calorie diet and lost a pound and a half in a month and you’re sure you’ve always followed it, what’s the point of trying a more restrictive diet?
How far can you go before you realize that with years of diets you have lowered your metabolism?
In this case, give up the diet for the summer,calculate your optimal calorie needs here and try to see that you stay in that need for at least five or six months, perhaps introducing a healthy workout. Yes, I’m telling you that it will be talked about next year.

If, on the other hand, you are sure or sure you are not making these three mistakes, let’s see the schemes you can inspire yourself to finally lose weight for the summer.

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