The mistakes in the diet that you don’t have to make

The mistakes in the diet that you don’t have to make

Do you want to go on a diet, but are you really willing to lose weight this time? So here are the diet mistakes that you may have already made (unknowingly) in the past and that have not allowed you to have results according to Lewis Harrison , naturopath, phytotherapist and expert in natural weight loss and well-being.

1. Don’t start a weight loss program if you’re not emotionally ready. Motivation is important for starting and maintaining a diet.
2. Beware of rigid and nutritionally unbalanced menus. Few people manage to follow strict menu diets for a long time, even if they start with the best of intentions. In particular, avoid those paths where you cut entire categories of foods, always wondering if you can continue like this for life.
3. Beware of magic formulas. Avoid at all costs those programs in which not only do you not talk about calories, but which promise results thanks to various products: shakes, diet pills, fat burners, etc.
4. Beware of diets that promise fast results. Diets that entice you to lose 5 pounds in a week are misleading, because what you lose overnight is water. Right. Waterfall! And studies show that
the faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to get it back.

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