Social Diet: the book and the new free path

Social Diet: the book and the new free path

Social Diet , the slimming project conceived with the advice of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , dietician, starts again for the fourth consecutive year with a new free course in September : two free weeks of dietary protocol in which you learn how to combine foods in the right way, you do not go hungry or count calories, and you lose weight thanks to a simple meal plan, based on the molecular method , and on the recipes that are provided every day to those who sign up for the course.
To register, just click on Dieta Social Restart and join the new group. The free diet starts on September 3rd.
But there is another interesting news regarding the Social Diet.

That is the book , Dieta Social 360, which can be useful to all those who, after having achieved promising results with the free slimming program , want to continue independently, without signing up for a subscription to the Social Diet service. The cost of the book is twenty euros, and allows you to understand the molecular method underlying the diet both from a theoretical point of view (how to combine foods, what to choose, why you lose weight) and practical (how to put into practice the method to have concrete and immediate results).

Written by the journalist Stefania De Napoli (new director of the project after Lambertucci) and by Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , with the advice of Dieta Social collaborators (Jill Cooper, Giuseppe Capano, Tiziana Vetralla and others), the book explains in detail why get fat, how to lose weight, how to choose and cook food, and offers more than 100 recipes to help those who want to try their hand at this slimming method.
To learn more about the Social Diet path, here’s a free week of dieting, here. 

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