The miraculous dopamine diet

The miraculous dopamine diet

The book by the English chef Tom Kerridge comes out in Italy, of which I had already given an anticipation in this article on Dcomedieta: ” Dopamine diet, the easy diet invented by a chef ” and which in Italian was published by the Newton Compton publishing house with the title ” The miraculous dopamine diet “. Of course I did not expect the diet to be labeled by the Italian newspapers as a high-protein diet and a diet without carbohydrates , as unfortunately it has happened.

Because the dopamine diet is neither high-protein nor carbohydrate-free : it is a low-carbohydrate diet, which however are present in the form of fruit (the chef recommends bananas: a fruit that is not present in traditional ketogenic diets nor low carb) and vegetables, including starchy ones (carrots, etc.). With this diet Tom Kerridge lost a whopping 70 kilos in 3 years. The food plan of the dopamine diet includes fatty cheeses, some dairy products such as yogurt or cottage cheese, quality meat and fish, lots of fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and dark chocolate

Certainly, cereals are excluded, which is why low carb, but there are no contraindications for health if you follow a grain-free diet which, however, ensures an acceptable carbohydrate threshold every day if we fill up on fruit and vegetables. Nor can it be said that it is high-protein: it is true that many of the foods are protein, but it is also true that these foods are satiating and that they are always offered paired with ample side dishes of vegetables and fruit. The risk of being able to overdo the protein foods in the diet is very low . The Dukan is a high protein diet, the dopamine diet is not. There are numerous recipes for vegetable-only soups.

Se si evita di esagerare con i formaggi o con le noci come secondo il piano suggerito, la perdita di peso è veloce e garantita, senza conseguenze per la salute,si limitano i cibi fortemente calorici per focalizzarsi su quelli poveri di calorie, ma ricchi di carboidrati semplici che ci danno il buonumore, tra cui frutta zuccherina, cavolfiori, alcune radici e alcuni tuberi diversi dalle patate. Lo chef si mette nei panni di chi ha una vita intensa ma vuole ritrovare la salute e offre la sua formula della felicità sulla base della sua esperienza: non ha più ripreso peso e una dieta che fa dimagrire mangiando banane e cioccolato o formaggio con moderazione è decisamente una via di mezzo interessante tra le low carb drastiche e un approccio che demonizza i grassi. You can lose weight by eating with taste and moderation and aiming for the quality of food , but by reducing bakery and industrial products and focusing on natural and less processed foods as possible. For me the miraculous dopamine diet is yes.

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