The draining watermelon smoothie

The draining watermelon smoothie

Many people always complain of the same problem : they don’t drink enough because they don’t feel the need to, or they don’t like water itself, as a drink. But when the heat arrives, the lack of hydration results in widespread swelling, which makes summer annoying and uncomfortable to go to the sea or expose yourself to the sun in hot hours. But on Dcomedieta we have the solution!
And it’s really simple. This is a draining smoothie, and it’s one of the recipes I love the most. In the summer I use it a lot, I drink it while I work and so I feel like I’m on vacation, with one flaw: it really deflates and makes a lot of plin plin do!

This is because both watermelon and cucumber contain citrulline, an amino acid that acts on blood vessels and promotes purification, and potassium, a mineral known to counteract excess sodium. In addition, its sweet taste acts on serotonin, reducing stress and staving off nervous hunger. Combined with cucumber, we are able to reduce the glycemic load of watermelon and enhance the effect of citrulline and potassium. 
The thing I like most about this smoothie is its slightly sweet and very fresh taste , despite the low calories. Only 100 calories for one liter! Perfect to drink during the day, we can also enrich it with some ice cubes and take it for a walk. Easy to do.

3 full glasses of low-residue mineral water
200 grams of cucumbers deprived of both peel and seeds (well hydrated, not too old)
250 grams of watermelon without seeds. Alternatively 250 grams of cantaloupe melon (but watermelon is much more suitable for draining)
a handful of fresh mint.
First blend the watermelon and cucumber with the mint, then add a glass and a half of water: blend again until the mixture is smooth. Pour into a jug and add the remaining water.

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